Evil in diguise

983 18 16

Idol: Jacob
Group: The Boyz (TBZ)
Genre: Angst

Do anyone Stan TBZ?

(The nicest ones can be the most dangerous)

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(The nicest ones can be the most dangerous)

You were going to your boyfriend's house. He wanted to talk to you. He couldn't say it over the phone or in text. He wanted to say it in person. You walked up to his door and knocked on it. Within seconds the door opened.

"Hey Wooyoung. What's was it you want to talk about?" He walked you towards the couch and sat down.

"Look Y/N, you know I love you. And I know that you love me but..."

"But what Woo? Just say it." You were slightly getting anxious.

"Y/N...I-We...We should break up."

"Why Woo? Where is this coming from?" Tears were already forming in your eyes.

"Remember at the beginning of our relationship, You said 'Never cheat on you, just break up with you if I ever found interest with someone else'."


"Well... I found someone else. I know you're probably mad at me-Where are you going?" You got up and walk to the door.

"I have no reason to be here since you are not in love with me no more.Have a nice life Wooyoung." You walked out the door not looking back. You were halfway to your house til you came across a bridge. You looked down at the water and you just burst into tears. Tears falling on the railing you held on to. After a few minutes of crying, you wiped your face off with your sleeve and finished walking home.

After a few months, that break up still took a toll on you. You basically became depressed at a point of time. Your depression went on for 3-4 months. That's was until you met another person.

You were walking from Starbucks and noticed you were having a new neighbor. You were walking slowly, trying to see who was it. Like you knew them. You seen a boy standing next to the moving truck, then a few more boys walked out the house to grab some more boxes from the boy standing next to the truck. After he gave them the boxes, the boy made eye contact with you. He smiled and waved at you. You shyly waved back at him and went into the house.

Few hours later

You were washing the dishes till you heard the doorbell. You paused and went to open the door.  It was the two boys you saw earlier.

"Hello, I'm Jacob and this is my friend Kevin and we would like to say we're your new neighbors."

"Hi, yea I saw you moving the boxes in your house. Nice to meet you, I'm Y/N"

"And we would like to invite you to dinner. If that's ok with you?"

"Sure I won't mind going. It's nice to meet new people."

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