Attractive Psycho

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Idol: Mingi ft Hongjoong
Group: Ateez

Idol: Mingi ft Hongjoong Group: Ateez Genre:Angst/Death/Violence

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I recently moved to Korea about 2 weeks ago and I got settled in. I've been watching the news lately that there was a killer around. I didn't think nothing of it until the number of people that were killed went up each day. Note that they were all girls and most of them were foreign girls. This killer mainly preyed on foreign girls. Everybody was still scared and careful but nobody knew who or what the person looked like because they always kill their victims before they can yell. So they never got caught.

Police told everybody to not go out at night as much and stay in a comfortable group. This killer would kill at night or if you're alone. But they were a different type of killer should I say.

It was currently 6:15 in the AM and I had to be be at work at 6:45. I was getting my daily morning coffee and bagel as usual. I went to sit in my booth by the window. I didn't notice a person was sitting across from me until he started talking...

"Excuse me, ma'am but have you heard about the killer. Well he was recently named as the 'attractive psycho'."

"Yes I heard about them but didn't know that they have a name and was a guy."

"Yea the police came to the conclusion it was a guy since only girls were only preyed on and lured them to him." This man says.

"Well thanks for giving more details...

"Uh Mingi, Song Mingi." He shook my hand.

"I'm Y/N L/N. It's nice to meet you." I smiled at him.

"Well if you want no pressure but I'm a registered bodyguard and you know with everything that been going on... I-I want to protect you." He then pulled out his bodyguard badge to show me.

"Well I don't wanna pressure you with me. To let you know that I'm that person that goes everywhere and I don't want you to worry-

"Please it would be helpful since this the psycho mostly kill foreigners." He had pleading eyes. I guess it wouldn't hurt.

"Ok I guess. Here's my phone number. You can call at 3:00. I get off work at that time. Now excuse me I have to leave." I got up and threw my trash away and walked out the door.


Little did you know, Mingi knew you alright. He stalked you for about a week. He knew were you work, knew this week's schedule, and knew where you lived. His next step was to get your phone number which he succeeded in. Mingi got up and went to do what he normally did on the regular.

After work, Mingi sure indeed call you with no hesitation. He wanted to get to 'Know you better'. Y'all started to hang out and close to one another. You learned more about him and you found him very interesting. When 2 months came around he asked to be his girlfriend and you said yes.

8 months later

You were 6 nearly 7 months pregnant with Mingi's baby but you were kinda lonely since you are on maternity leave and Mingi had to 'work'. But Mingi been acting weird lately.

Mingi POV

"What are you doing Mingi? You supposed to kill her months ago and now she's pregnant with your child." My brother Hongjoong told me. He was right, but I didn't have feelings for her. I did this for fun. I was just toying with her and fall in to my trap.

"Trust me hyung, I'll get rid of her. To make it even more fun, how about you come help me." I smiled because I knew he wanted to since I introduced her to him.

"I thought you never asked." Hongjoong started to laugh hysterically.


You were sleeping in the bed. You were not in a deep sleep but you heard the tv playing. Heard somebody walking into the room. When you open your eyes to see Mingi sitting next you. He started to rub your round stomach...

"How's the baby?"

"He's been kicking all day. I can't wait for him to come out." You giggled. Mingi started to chuckle...

"You can't huh?" Before you could react he pulled out a big butcher knife and stabbed you in your stomach. He dragged the knife down as you screamed in pain. You kicked Mingi to the wall with all the last strength you had.

You left out the room and attempted to run down the stairs. When you made it down stairs you seen Hongjoong...

"Hongjoong help me please!" You cried out. Hongjoong did his signature laugh.

"Well aren't you a pretty one but I'm afraid I can't help you." He traced his fingers around your face and started to kiss you. You pushed him away and tried to crawl away to the door. Before you could make it anywhere Hongjoong and Mingi grabbed you and dragged you upstairs. You lost so much blood so you were too weak to move.

They took you to the bathroom and threw you in the tub...

"S-S-Stop it." You told Mingi. After a few minutes your eyes started to get droopy until Hongjoong came into the bathroom with chainsaws. Lucky for them the walls were sound proof but DEFINITELY not lucky for you.

You tried to climb out the tub but due to so much blood lost it was slippery and not only that, Mingi held you down by griping your throat and held your wrist together. While Mingi held you down, Hongjoong tried to cut your legs but your moving around too much for him to do it.

You started kicking your legs, kicking Hongjoong in the face.

"I have had with you." He grabbed your leg and soon chopped it off which made you scream and sob uncontrollably. The last thing that you seen before your vision went black was that Mingi brought the chainsaw to your neck.

After Mingi and Hongjoong dismantled your body, they stuffed your parts in plastic bags and put them in the car. After they cleaned up the place they drove to the nearest landfill. The went to the part that grind things into pieces. They threw your bagged parts inside there and got in the car and driven off to catch another victim. Till this day as we speak they never got caught.

Sorry if I didn't detail the torturous part as much and this was supposed to be Mingi's story idk how Hongjoong came in the picture 😂

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Sorry if I didn't detail the torturous part as much and this was supposed to be Mingi's story idk how Hongjoong came in the picture 😂

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