Chapter 7: An Awkward Night

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A/N: Hello, after this chapter there will only be one more chapter released in December since my birthday is on Christmas, so expect another chapter near the 28th.

Naruto hadn't expected to see Hanabi until the next day.  He'd been having a pretty good dream too, one involving Ramen, lots of Ramen. Only to be woken up in the middle of the night by knocking. Knocking on his front door, to be exact. Who could possibly want something in the middle of the night?

Naruto tried to ignore it, turning over and putting his pillow over his head in hopes that whoever it was would go away. But the knocking just got louder. Groaning, Naruto got up and proceeded to groggily walk downstairs and to the door. Naruto opened the door to see someone. Once his eyes adjusted, he noticed this person to be Hanabi Hyuuga.

Though there was something wrong with her. Her eyes were puffy and red and there were dried tears on her cheeks. Her eyes were filled with unshed tears. She was wearing her normal yellow robe (The one from the cover) and her eyes were filled with despair. He instantly became alerted by this.

"Hanabi?! What's wrong?" Naruto asked, ushering her into his house.

As soon as she entered Naruto's house, she collapsed to the floor and began sobbing, her face in her hands. She no longer had a family, her sister and father hated her. She didn't even have a place to stay, hence why she was at Naruto's right now. She tried to compose herself but it didn't work at all.

"I-I don't have a clan a-anymore." She said. Naruto was confused by this. 

"What do you mean?" Naruto asked.

Hanabi tried her best to explain what happened, and in time, Naruto eventually understood what she was saying, and he was furious. How dare the Hyuuga try and use him like this! And to go as far as driving one of your own to abandon their clan. He really wanted to just go to the compound and shove a Rasengan through Hiashi. Allied clans shouldn't use each other for their own gain. Sure, there was only one Uzumaki in Konoha right now but they were still a clan. Heck, the Uzumaki clan symbol is on every standard Jounin outfit in Konoha.

Hanabi didn't tell Naruto about her confrontation with Hinata but Naruto knew something else was bothering Hanabi. He decided not to push it, since she had been through enough for one night. 

Not to mention the fact that Hanabi didn't have a place to stay for the night. Well, she didn't have a place to stay until she came to Naruto's. Hanabi was going to stay at his house tonight since she didn't have anyone else. But first, he had something to take care of. Getting up, Naruto headed toward the door, alerting Hanabi.

"W-Where are you going?" Hanabi sniffled.

"I need to have a talk, with your father." Naruto said, his face stern. 

"No! Please, just don't." Hanabi pleaded.

"Why not?"

"I-I don't want anything more to do with my clan." She said. Naruto sighed and ran his hand through his blonde hair before speaking again.

"Alright, fine. You're welcome to stay here for as long as you need."  Hanabi blushed at this while Naruto, being dense as usual, didn't pick up on it.

"I'll go and get a blanket." Naruto said and left.

Hanabi dried her tears and took this time to think. Where would she go from here? She was sure that she wouldn't be able to stay here forever. Hanabi didn't even know if she wanted to. But what about privacy? Naruto was probably peaceful in his house, maybe she was intruding. What would happen if he were to bring a girl back to his house, what would she do then? Hanabi hoped she wouldn't see that. 

A Mistake Not Meant to Bear Fruit [Naruto x Hanabi]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora