Chapter 15: Confessions and Rejections

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A/N: Due to your guy's support, I've decided to release a chapter early, thank you for reading this far and waiting patiently for chapters!

"So, what did you want to talk to me about?" Naruto asked curiously. Hinata just took a deep breath and hoped for the best as she began to talk to Naruto about her feelings. Well, her first question wasn't going to be about her feelings, but she'd get there eventually.

"W-When you were told that you had to m-marry my sister, how did you feel about it?" Hinata asked. Naruto was confused by the question but tried to answer the question as best as he could.

"I thought that it was pretty dumb," He started. "but I didn't want Hanabi to be disowned by her clan, so if our marriage was the only way for Hanabi to stay in touch with her family, I was okay with it." Naruto finished.

Hinata was confused by this. She knew that Naruto was selfless, but to this extent? He was essentially giving up romance for his entire life, something that no one should have to do.

"Even when you don't have those kind of feelings for her?" She questioned.

"Pretty much, and it wasn't like I had anyone like that since Sakura." He responded, looking up at the sky. By this point, he had accepted the fact that his feelings for Sakura would never be reciprocated. His old feelings for her had been replaced with feelings that siblings would have for each other.

It honestly amazed Hinata how unselfish and considerate he was. She didn't know if she knew anyone who would do something like this for someone they didn't know very well. Nonetheless, it was time for her to start getting on the topic of her feelings.

"Do you." Hinata paused, trying to gather her words. "D-Do you think that you could do the same for someone who wasn't in a position that Hanabi was in?" She asked.

The way she said that made her seem selfish, and the question itself was pretty dumb. Not that she'd ask Naruto to accept her feelings if he didn't feel the same way she did, Hinata would never do something like that. Naruto looked to be deep in thought and his face seemed to show many different emotions before he finally responded.

"No, because the only reason I agreed to marry Hanabi was because she would be disowned had I not married her. If I did the same for someone who wasn't in a situation like Hanabi, wouldn't that be like lying about my feelings?"

Before Hinata could ask another question, Naruto interrupted her.

"Hinata, what are all these questions for?" Naruto asked, wondering where she was going with this. Hinata sighed with a sad smile on her face.

She had been asking these questions to possibly find out what his response to her confession would be, and from the answers he gave. It seemed that she was too late, she had taken too long to confess her feelings (again).

"Naruto-kun, I-I.....I'm in l-love with you." She watched as his jaw dropped. "I-I have been ever since we were at the a-academy." Hinata confessed, and she felt like she shouldn't have confessed her feelings at all. She knew what was coming, and the change in Naruto's face had confirmed her suspicions.


Naruto was shocked, he hadn't expected this at all. But at the same time, it felt like so many things about her made sense now that she confessed her feelings. Why she always fainted, stuttered around him, and could never hold a conversation with him for long was because of this. Though there was one thing Naruto wanted to know.

"Why? Why did you take so long to tell me?" He asked. It honestly didn't make sense to him why she'd wait so long to tell him. It'd been nearly 12 years since he'd entered the academy, and she had feelings for him the whole time.

A Mistake Not Meant to Bear Fruit [Naruto x Hanabi]Where stories live. Discover now