Park Date

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Hoshi and I were headed to the park right after school to meet up with Hisoka. As we walked Hoshi was skipping with excitement as he has always loved going to the park. Watching Hoshi jump around made a smile form on my lips as I was filled with joy from it. I'm glad I chose to have Hoshi.

Arriving at the park, Hisoka was standing by a bench looking around before his eyes fell on us 

"Go on and play Hoshi," I told Hoshi as he ran off like a rocket toward the jungle gym climbing all over it "I'm glad you joined us," I told Hisoka

"Me too, I get to see you two" he responded by heart fluttered at this. We spent some time talking to each other watching Hoshi run around before Hoshi called out for me to come over. We both walked over to Hoshi, who as on the swings

"Mommy, push me!" he gleefully shouted laughing a little bit I got behind him and started lightly pushing him. Hisoka leaned on one of the swing's poles as he watched me push Hoshi. As we stood there Hisoka tried to ask Hoshi about himself

"So Hoshi, do you go to school?" he asked his face contoured with confusion 

"Yes, I'm in kindergarten" 

"How about you tell Mr. Morow what you like about school?" I suggested. Hoshi's face lit up with a smile as he began to talk about everything he liked about kindergarten. As he talked I could tell that Hisoka was trying so hard to be interested. 

"The only thing I don't like is that mommy's not there" he pouted this made a smile break on Hisoka's face 

"Sounds like a reasonable reason to not like it" suddenly Hoshi's face popped up 

"Can I show Mr. Morow something?" Hoshi asked looked at me 

"Sure sweetheart" jumping off the swing Hoshi took Hisoka's hand and dragged him over to the monkey bars where he climbed the little steps to the bars before climbing on them. I could tell that Hoshi was telling Hisoka something. When Hoshi got on the bars and started climbing them Hisoka stood closer with his instinctively out incase Hoshi fell. 

'They're so cute' as I watched the two of them. They spent some more time at the monkey bars as Hoshi went on them two more times before getting off them and dragging Hisoka somewhere else. They went from one side to another with each time Hoshi was on something while Hisoka was right next to him making sure nothing happened. I smiled at this as Hoshi seemed to start liking Hisoka and vise versa. 'They're getting along nicely' this gave me hope for a future with us together would work.

Eventually, they came back with Hisoka holding Hoshi's hand 

"You want ice cream?" 

"Ice cream!" Hoshi exclaimed throwing his hands up making both Hisoka and I laugh. We walked to the ice cream truck that was next to the park

"Hello there, what can I get for you?" the ice cream truck man asked 

"Vanilla ice cream with chocolate sprinkles please!" Hoshi pleaded

"Sorry, we're out of chocolate sprinkles" Hoshi pouted 

"I want chocolate sprinkles!" he yelled stomping his foot 

"Is there anything else you want? They don't have chocolate sprinkles, hon" I told him this only made him mad. 

"No! I don't want anything else! I want those sprinkles!" he screamed before throwing a tantrum. I gave an apologetic look to the man before taking Hoshi away from the truck as I tried to calm him down. It didn't work and he only got louder. I stood back waiting for him to stop 

"Can I try something?" Hisoka asked I nodded rubbing my eyes. Hisoka went over to Hoshi, who was still screaming, bending down to his level he started humming. This surprised me as doing this worked. Hoshi calmed down relatively quick

'How the--' Hisoka picked up Hoshi 

"Better?" he asked Hoshi nodded still pouting "Tell the man what you want" grudgingly Hoshi ordered the ice cream with a different topping. When he got it, he looked at it with disgust before taking a lick of it. Upon tasting it, he really liked it and ate it with a smile on his face. This made me happy as Hoshi has calmed down and likes something different now. As Hoshi ate we walked around. 

It was almost sunset as we walked around. Hoshi was currently asleep in Hisoka's arms

"Can I ask you something?" 

"Sure, what is it?" Hisoka asked 

"What was it you were humming that calmed Hoshi down?" I asked still amazed it worked as it takes forever to calm down when he's like that. 

"It's a tune that used to work on me when I was younger. I would sing it when I needed to calm down. I didn't expect it to work. It was the first thing that came to mind when I saw you struggling" Hisoka explained 

"I'm totally using that because it's almost impossible to get him to calm down. He has your temper" Hisoka chuckled 

"Even more reason for me to stick around" we eventually walked back to the house

"It was great spending the day with you. I think Hoshi's really starting to like you" I told him

"Any day I get to spend with you is wonderful," Hisoka said before taking my hand and kissing the back of it "Til next time, my love" with that he walked off. 

'Damn I love him' 

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