The plan

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Going into the store the next morning was interesting. When I walked in one woman was yelling at another in the back for something before turning to me and completely changing her tone and personality

"You must be the new girl Ms. Rosa was talking about. I'm Yachi, I'll be showing you the ropes" she said as she took me and showed me around the store and what to do. It helped that I had previous experience in retail in my world or this would be hard to understand. Most of the items that we sold were knickknacks and other small things like decorations and stuff. I eventually met the girl that Yachi was yelling at. Her name was Isabella and she was a high schooler who was really clumsy which explains why Yachi was yelling at her. After short introductions, people started to come in. Slow at first with only a few people trickling in and out eventually getting busier before dying down at sunset. After closing the store Yachi took me over to a nearby bar for drinks afterward.

When we entered it was dark with lights and lasers streaming everywhere making the place look amazing. There were a couple of other people there but it was too early for many people to be there. We sat and talked for what seemed like forever over drinks until we got up and danced with several other people who came later. While we were dancing I noticed a familiar fuchsia color walk pasted us. Stopping and looking at it there sitting at a table with his friend, Chrollo, was Hisoka Morow

'Holy shit' I thought as my body seem to yearn to be near him but I didn't. I didn't want to be murdered for interrupting two killers. I continued to dance with Yachi while also stealing glances of Hisoka from time to time trying not to make it noticeable 'I'll be in trouble if he notices me' 

It was later in the night before we finally left the bar and headed back to our houses. While walking I replayed the night over and over in my head. There weren't many places that Hisoka, let alone Chrollo, would go out publicly so that must be a place that they go to frequently. I held a seething attraction to the fuchsia haired clown as something about him just has always made me attracted to him despite the hateful things about him. I made a plan. I plan to make Hisoka mine forever. 

I was going to get myself pregnant with his child. 


For several years after that, I made myself comfortable in the HunterxHunter world. While working in the store, I had made best friends with Yachi and Isabella while also maintaining an excellent relationship with the owner, Ms. Kiyoko Rosa, who was a widow after her husband died due to health complications and with his money, she opened up her own store and bought several properties to make more money off. Every weekend I would meet with her for brunch and we would talk about our lives and how everything was going at the store. I had managed to make enough money to move out of the apartment and buy my own house. It was small only, two-bedroom, one in a half bath with a living room and a kitchen. There wasn't much to it but it was enough for now.

Every night after the closed I would go to the bar nearby and watch Hisoka and Chrollo as they sat and talked. A few nights I managed to follow Hisoka to where he went afterward without him noticing me or caring that I was following him. He went to that broken-down place that was in the middle of a city destroyed that he and the Spiders met. He wasn't a complicated man as I had thought. He was pretty straight forward with nothing much to hid as of the things that I had already known about him. I waited and waited forever until one night was the perfect night. 

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