Unexpected arrival

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At work, Chrollo came in again looking for some other items I told him where they were. He grabbed them and checked out without a word about last night's event which was good. What exactly was I supposed to say to him about it if he asked anyway?

Days flew by fast after that. Day after day and nothing. Not a sighting. Not a message. Nothing. Hisoka as always went off the radar somewhere

'Don't tell me I pushed him away? Oh god don't tell me he hates me for that night' it wasn't looking good for us together. 

"Hey Victoria, have you seen this?" Yachi asked from the back 

"What is it?" I walked to her she was looking at the tv which the news was on 

"People have been murdered left and right in this town. They don't know who's doing it but there isn't any connection to anyone who was murdered. They're saying some psycho is on the loose" this caught my attention as I watched the tv more.

'It has to be him. It has to be but...why?' I thought and knowing him, Hisoka was just blowing off some steam of something. This didn't sit right with me knowing that I might be the cause of that. 'Well that's one way to take finding out you're father' I thought. The murders continued on for about a week with even more bodies piling up each day until they eventually stopped all of a sudden. There was a huge warning put out about it. That was until days past and nothing was said about it anymore but the investigation still went on looking for the person.


It wasn't until one day while at home after work there was a knock on the door 

"Hm, I wonder who that could be?" I wondered walking to the door and opening it to see Hisoka standing there sheepishly

"Hi, I never got your name?" he asked out of character I was puzzled 

"Victoria, what are you doing here? How did you even find us?" I asked looking around 

"I'll explain, may I come in?" he asked I nodded and let him inside. He walked in and looked around "Nice place" he commented the sound of feet was heard coming downstairs

"Mommy who was--" Hoshi stripped on the stairs looking at Hisoka as Hisoka looked back 

"Hoshi this is-- um" I tried to think of something but couldn't "What do you want him to call?" I whispered 

"Mr. Morow will do for now. Your name's Hoshi?" he asked Hoshi nodded 

"Yep, mommy named me herself. She said the name fit me perfectly" he mentioned I smiled 

"It does. Now baby how about you go back upstairs, the adults have to talk" Hoshi nodded and ran back upstairs. We both headed to the kitchen where Hisoka sat at the bar while I was behind it at the sink "So what was all that on the news?" I bluntly asked

"Yeah sorry about that, I don't have the best self-control or temper" 

"I'll say, Hoshi has your temper" this seemed to perk up Hisoka 

"He does?" I nodded 

"I've learned to control it but sometimes it can be hard" I mentioned 

"About that night" there seems to be a thick tense silence that gloomed with this statement. 

"If you blame yourself, don't. If anything I should be the one to blame" I stated 

"But I was drunk" 

"I should tell you this. Days leading up to that night, I followed you. I planned that night out" this seems to make Hisoka do a double-take 

"You followed me?" I ran my hands through my hair 

"I don't care if you don't believe this but I've been attracted to you long before we met that night or even before I started following you. Something about you draws me to you. And that night, I purposely picked you" I confessed

'I don't care if he hates me. I needed to tell him' I thought covering my face with my hands. There was silence followed after that 

"If we're being honest since that night I haven't gotten you out of my head. That moan is the only thing I remember from you" this shocked me 

"W-wait you didn't forget you?" he nodded 

"I tried looking but being sent away for lasting out isn't a good way" he confessed 

"Lashing out? Is that why you went to the tower?" I shut my mouth

"You--I'm not surprised since you obviously knew where you were when you walked into that building" we sat there in silence for a little while

"Where do we go from here?" I asked curiously how this was going to work 

"If you haven't noticed, I'm not the best 'father figure' ever" 

"I know but I was thinking that being around us would change that" I moved closer to him "I know it's going to take time, but can we try to make this work?" I asked Hisoka who looked up at me with his eyes glossed with something unfamiliar

"We can try and make this work" he finally said making me jump up and down excited before throwing my arm around him

"Thank you Hisoka, you're the best," I told him moving away and starting dinner "I'm going to cook dinner if you want to stay" 

"I'm fine. Just needed to come over here and talk with you for a moment. I'll see you tomorrow" he waved while walking out 

"Bye," I said turning back to making dinner before hearing the sound of feet coming downstairs

"Where did Mr. Morow go?" Hoshi asked 

"Oh he had somewhere he needed to be but I think he'll be back tomorrow," I told Hoshi as I finished up dinner and served it. After eating, we watched a movie which Hoshi fell asleep half ways through it. 

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