Chapter 30

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Mina rolled over in bed and looked at the time. 2:30am. She rolled back over and stared at the ceiling consumed by thoughts. The past few days had been some of strangest and confusing days of her life.

Jimin had pretty much broken her heart and so Yoongi almost killed him... and then she tried to get over her emotional turmoil by fucking Taehyung... who she stabbed in the back a when she first met him... And yoongi was acting completely strange with her. One minute he was angry with her, next minute he was comforting her and then he was trying to kill Jimin...

Mina sighed and rolled over. I wonder what Yoongi is doing right now? Mina thought. Is he sleeping comfortably. Is he working?

Yoongi laid in his bed staring at the ceiling in thought. His thought were even more muddled than Mina's were. Did he like her? Why did he like her? He still felt like he barely knew her? It seemed these days she was closer with Hoseok or Jin or namjoon... or even Jimin. No! Fuck! That asshole Jimin! Ugh! Yoongi thought.

Yoongi hated Jimin. He wanted to kill him. He couldn't believe he was so close to actually doing it. Why was he so angry at the thought of someone even touching Mina? That's why he had left the club that night. He couldn't bare it. He couldn't bare seeing Jimin with his hands all over her.

Yoongi rolled out of bed in frustration. He slipped on his slippers and went down stairs. He opened the back door and froze. She was there again.

Mina turned around to see Yoongi standing in the doorway. She couldn't help but smirk a little at the fact they both had insomnia and both thought of the same way to spend a sleepless night.

Yoongi couldn't help but smirk and walk outside sitting down next to her just as he had done the night before "we going to make this a regular thing?" He asked staring out into the wilderness that surrounded the house.

"Seems like it" Mina smirked. There was some silence as they took deep breaths relaxing their stressed minds "we need to talk, don't we?"

Yoongi nodded his head.

Again, silence as they both mentally prepared themselves.

"You ok?" Was the first words that came out of Yoongi's mouth

"I'm not sure.... are you ok?" She replied looking at him.

"I'm not sure either"

They both nodded their heads understandingly.

"I-if I hadn't of... stopped you... from killing... Jimin-"

"I don't want to think about it" Yoongi replied coldly. He took a deep breath and spoke again "good thing you stopped me, isn't it?"

"W-why did you want to kill him?"

Yoongi again took a deep breath working up the courage "because he hurt you"

"Why do you care about me? All of you. Hoseok, Jin, namjoon, Taehyung... all of you, why do you care about me?"

Yoongi was a little taken back by mina's question but tried to think of a response "I-I'm not sure"

"You all kill people for a living, o-or ruin people's lives with drugs or gambling... why, why do you care so much about mine?"

Yoongi turned and looked Mina in the eyes in thought. He didn't really have an answer for her. He knew he liked her. He knew he liked her because she was smart and caring and comforting and kind and she had every reason in the world to be a shitty person and yet she was so bright and so positive.

Mina sighed "never mind" she looked away again and yoongi discretely scrunched up his face in annoyance having missed the opportunity to confess some feelings.

My Hitman Min Yoongi | 21+ | completed ✔️Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora