Chapter 29

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BANG! The shot echoed around the dirty dimly lit basement.

Yoongi looked at Mina in shock.

Jimin exhaled massively as a wave of relief washed over his body. He panted thanking the lord that he wasn't dead.

(A/N: did ya'll really think I was going to let Yoongi kill Jimin? in this economy? Nah fam)

Just as Yoongi was about to pull the trigger Mina had launched over pushing yoongi's aim to hit the wall behind Jimin.

Yoongi stared into Mina's eyes with shock and she stared into his with shock also. She had never felt so brave.

"Mina what the hell?" Was the first words Yoongi could get out

"You can't kill him"

"You don't seriously think he deserves to live, do you?"

"I think he does"

Yoongi was in disbelief. He scoffed and rubbed his forehead.

"He should go to therapy and get the help he needs" Mina exclaimed

"I can't believe you actually want to help him"

"And I can't believe you don't! You were so ready to put a bullet in his head! I thought he was your brother?!?"

Yoongi froze and realised what he had almost done. He looked down at the gun in his hand and back up at his brother. She was right. He was his non-biological brother, but still a brother nevertheless. But he wanted to kill him.

He wanted to kill him... for what he had done to Mina.

It was at this moment that Yoongi knew... he was falling in love with Mina. He couldn't explain it and it made no sense but he was ready to murder anyone that so much as laid a finger on her.

Yoongi rubbed his head in frustration. What was she doing to him? He had never been like this before. He had never cared so much about a woman before that he was willing to kill his own brother. It was too much. All too much.

Without another word Yoongi stormed out of the room, he couldn't take it anymore.

Jimin was still trying to process that he was inches away from death. Mina rushed over to the table near the door and found a knife. Jimin watched her speechlessly as she brought the knife over and cut his hand ties.

Jimin's hands loosened and he rubbed his bruised wrists and slowly stood up "Mina.." he wanted to thank her

"You have 5 seconds to get out of this room, head straight up stairs, pack your bags and get the hell out of here. Get the help you need."
Mina didn't even look at him.

Just because she had saved his life didn't mean she could forgive him for what he did to her, not anytime soon. He still disgusted her, she knew she would vomit again if she thought about it any longer.

Jimin stared with broken eyes at Mina.

"Go! Now!" she still didn't look at him

He quickly rushed out of the room and did as she had said. He would be heading to that therapy retreat earlier than he had expected. But this was good. This would to be first step for him towards change.

Mina exhaled and plopped herself down on the wooden chair Jimin was just on. She stared around the room blankly. Was her life even more fucked up now than it was with kang dae? She looked down at her ring. Maybe she was better off with kang dae.

"Jungkook? You in here?" Someone called out down the hallway from the room Mina was in "I heard a gun shot. I told you not to kill anyone while Mina is in the house. You'll scare her away-" taehyung froze when he finally opened the door to see Mina sat in the middle of the room.

My Hitman Min Yoongi | 21+ | completed ✔️Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz