The finale pt. 2

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His lifeless body collapsed on the floor and blood began to pool around him.

Yoongi blinked his eyes open and looked down to see sungho's body below him, he looked back up to see jungkook holding a gun and pulling it down.

"Jungkook.... you were right.... I did... I thought-"

"It's ok. Are you ok?" Jungkook rushed over to him and untied him as Jimin and Taehyung ran into the apartment

"Jimin?" Yoongi frowned

"Did you miss me bro?" Jimin smiled as jungkook finished untying him

"Where's Mina, what happened?" Yoongi asked

"Don't worry she is safe" Taehyung reassured him "Jimin put a bullet in kang dae and we got her out"

"H-how? How did you know? Where to find us and... and everything?" Yoongi asked Jimin in speechlessness.

Jimin smirked "Jungkook called me when he first had the hunch that sungho was involved in Mina's disappearance so I started to follow him. I saw him meet up with kang dae, and I followed him until I saw him enter this building today"

"Y-you... t-thank you" was all Yoongi could stutter

"Let's go home bro" Jimin smiled at him and helped him out of the apartment door "but first... I left you a gift"

Yoongi entered the basement and saw a pool of blood surrounding kang dae's unconscious body. He looked down in disgust and kicked him "wake up" he squatted down and slapped him to wake up. His eyes blinked open and yoongi smiled "rise and shineeee" he cooed

"W-what where?"

Yoongi looked down at his bleeding crotch and chuckled "Jimin really did some damage to you. You are never getting it up again that's for sure"

"F-fuckkkkk" kang dae looked down terrified with the realisation

"Relaxxxx. It's ok. It's not like you are ever going to need to use it again"


"I've wanted to kill you since the moment I saw you. You just looked like so much fun to stick my knife into. God the fun I would have killing you slowly, I had so many dreams about it"

"Y-your sick" kang dae stuttered with terrified eyes

"I really thought about all the ways I could make you suffer and kill you slowly and painfully but actually now... looking at you" Yoongi paused and smirked with the realisation "You're not even worth it. So I'll just make it quick... and insignificant, just like you... So goodbye kang dae" Yoongi quickly pulled out his pocket knife and swiftly slit his neck and watched as the blood poured out.

He had thought about this moment a lot. The way he would feel finally killing him. The relief and ecstasy he would feel. But he felt nothing. Like kang dae was just a fly on his window that he had squished. So mundane and uninteresting. He stood up and looked down at his dying body one last time before leaving.

Yoongi dug his hands into his pockets as he left the apartment building and headed to the car. He couldn't help but smile a little bit. Kang dae was gone and Mina would be back in his arms again. It was over. Everything would be alright again.

Yoongi climbed in the car to see Mina's head laying down on Hoseok's lap in the back seats "how is she?" Yoongi asked.

"She is badly bruised but she will be ok" Hoseok reassured him.

"Can I?" Yoongi gestured and Hoseok nodded his head. Hoseok climbed into the middle seats and Yoongi climbed into the back to be with his love.

Yoongi scooped her into his arms and kissed her head "it's over my love" he whispered even through she wasn't conscious.

My Hitman Min Yoongi | 21+ | completed ✔️Where stories live. Discover now