Chapter 34

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Yoongi hadn't spoken to Mina since her love confession that night. Things between the two had remained silent, causing more seeds of doubt to grow in Mina's mind. The more she thought about the situation the more she thought he was just using her for sex.

"What's bothering you?" Hobi asked Mina as she spaced out whilst sat at the table waiting for dinner to be served by Jin and Taehyung.

"Huh?" Mina turned to look at him

"Somethings on your mind, what is it?" He reiterated

"Oh nothing, just wondering if I should apply for that waitress position I saw" Mina shrugged it off

"Noooo" hobi exclaimed

"Over my dead body you are going to work some shitty waitress job!" Jin called out from the kitchen area

"Well what other job can I get?" Mina looked at hobi with concern

"What are your qualifications?" Namjoon placed some dishes and cutlery on the table.

Mina looked at him and he stopped what he was doing to look at her. She slowly bit her lip and shook her head no. Namjoon nodded his head, he understood - she doesn't have any.

Mina had tried to convince kang dae to let her go to art college but he had refused saying it was a waste of time and besides, she didn't need to work anyway, he would take care of everything.

"Well what are your hobbies? What are you good at doing?" Hoseok asked

Mina shrugged.

"Don't worry, we will find you something" he replied and Mina smiled as everyone entered the room and took their seats.

Taehyung brought the food over and placed them on the table and then sat down next to Mina where she sat at the head of the table.

It surprised to her a little at first that tae wanted to sit next to her but she shrugged it off.

"You want meat and veg with your rice?" Taehyung asked Mina catching her by surprise again

"Oh umm yes both" Mina stuttered

Taehyung took her plated and served her food giving her a small smile before his face fell back to usual again. Strange, Mina thought.

Finally jungkook and Yoongi entered the room. Jungkook took the seat at the other head of the table opposite Mina. Yoongi froze in front of his usual spot to see the chair was missing.

"Where's my chair?" He asked the room

"Namjoon's fat ass broke it" hobi chuckled through mouthfuls of food as everyone served themselves.

"It was an honest accident, could happen to anyone!" Namjoon retorted

"Just take the chair next to Mina" Jin said causing Yoongi bite his lip before heading over and sitting down next to her.

Mina instantly felt a little stiff. She had wanted to talk to him since that night but he had had a job and then he was busy with phone calls and paperwork. Mina just didn't find the chance.

"Is my ass really that fat?" Namjoon looked down at his hips

"Yes" everyone replied

Causing everyone to chuckle a little bit and Mina felt a little more relaxed.

"Speaking of fat asses, Mina you found a job yet?" Jungkook asked casually earning glares from both Taehyung and yoongi

"Jungkook!" Jin snapped and turned to see Mina's reaction which he expected her to be quite a offended but she just chuckled and blushed even.

"Well I wanted to take the waitressing job but it seems some people" Mina playfully looked at both Jin and Hoseok "won't let me"

"You should take that new bartending role at Hoseok's club" jungkook replied

"Nu uh" Hoseok shook his head "I know what the clientele there are like"

"I'm sure we will find you something else Mina" Namjoon said kindly

The group fell into different discussion topics. It was nice. Mina found herself enjoying the atmosphere and felt no longer tense sat next to both Taehyung and yoongi.

Yoongi on the other hand didn't pay a damn bit of attention to the conversations. All he could think of was her.

Yoongi has never had a girlfriend. Never felt how he feels about Mina with anyone ever before and in all honesty, he didn't know how to act. He didn't know what they were to each other, or how to even speak to her about that in the first place. What was he supposed to say? He didn't know how to confess his feelings for her in words. He needed time to figure it out.

He found himself staring at the side of Mina's face as she giggled and chuckled with the other boys. She is everything Yoongi thought... and I have completely been cut off from her since that night. I wonder what she is thinking... does she think we were just a one night stand? Yoongi's mind raced. He had to do something to show he cared about her. Something. Anything.

'Think Yoongi think' he repeated to himself in his head.

He had to do something. Anything. To show he she wasn't just a one night stand. He didn't use her. He truly cares about her.

His eyes scanned down to one hand in her lap, resting on top of her thigh. Without another second he reached out under the table and took her hand in his.

Mina's eyes widened slightly and her face started to flush red but she didn't look at him. She just kept looking at the other boys chatting.

What is he doing? Mina thought as she was frozen still. H-he is holding my hand. I mean... I like it.... I love it... I often want to hold his hand Mina thought. But why is he holding it?

Yoongi instantly felt more relaxed having her hand in his. It was warm, soft and small. A lot like her. He found so much comfort in her skin.

Mina took some breaths and felt herself relaxing into the small gesture too. She couldn't help but smile a little bit and glance over at Yoongi who gave her a small discreet smile back.

This was a rather fitting element of their relationship, they found themselves often not needing words to express themselves. They didn't have to say things to each other to communicate, each other's company and embrace was enough.

The other members hadn't noticed a thing. Well all of them except for one. Taehyung.

He had noticed a slight change in Mina's cheek colour. Very small but enough for his interest to pique. His eyes scanned back and forth between Yoongi and Mina and his suspicions were raised further. Yoongi looked... relaxed... happy... comfortable. Usually at dinner he was stressed and tired from the day and couldn't wait to get to bed...

Taehyung noticed how Yoongi glanced down and so did Mina. What are they looking at? Taehyung thought.

Taehyung pulled out a forced cough and knocked his chopsticks on the floor on purpose. He bent down to collect them and that's when he saw it. Their hands perfectly intertwined like they were made for each other.

Taehyung coughed again and knocked his head on the table on the way up.

"Tae, you good?" Jin asked

"Yeh" he coughed again "just got something stuck in my throat" he tried to play it off.

The guys fell back into conversation and Mina and yoongi paid no attention to Taehyung.

But Taehyung had certainly paid attention to them.

He couldn't help but glare at Yoongi.

Mina must have confessed to him Taehyung thought. But Yoongi didn't confess back I suspect, he has always been useless with talking to women. There is no way he has told her he reciprocates her feelings. Which means... there may still be a chance for me.

Game on Yoongi.

My Hitman Min Yoongi | 21+ | completed ✔️Where stories live. Discover now