Chapter 18

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Gracie pov:

"Well hello boys look who I found" I say smirking.

I could tell Luke, Johnny and Lance where unsure and Owen and Deckard looked confused.

"Look she's the only one who really knows how to use God's eye and believes" I tell them.

"Like I told Gracie I found Giselle once before but lost track of her. I never said anything before cause I knew they wouldn't believe me just like they didn't believe you" Ramsey says looking at Luke.

"Well it looks like we have work to. First order of business is find where they could be hiding her" Luke says.

Lucy pov:

I was placed into a white van. I have given up all hope about being rescued by now. Cause no one has come for me yet. Letty and Giselle are up front with James in the back with me. I was sitting to the side with a cloth covering my eyes.

I could feel James breathing into my neck and kissing me.

"Don't worry we going to a nice place where we can be together forever" he said like that's what I wanted.

I couldn't say anything since I was gagged.

"Letty will get Dom back and Giselle will have her Han again. It will just be me and you soon. Together forever" he said kissing my forehead.

"10min out James" Letty said.

Obviously we where close to where he was taking me.

Gracie pov:

"Got something" Ramsey said.

"What" Owen asks.

"I see Letty and Giselle driving a white van. It hasn't reached where it's going it looks like." Ramsey says.

"okay can you back track to where they came from" Luke asks.

"Yes there is a way but it will take awhile to do that cause I have to still keep track of where they going" Ramsey says.

"I got it. If you find out where they going first then don't worry about where they came from" I say shrugging my shoulders.

"No we will still need the proof to make sure they never getting out of prison" Deckard said.

I nodded my head realizing that, that was probably a good idea.

"I've got Gracie and Ramsey new phones that's won't be tracked by Dom" Owen says.

I nod at him and take the phones giving Ramsey one of them. I then walk off thinking of all the times Lucy and I had sneaked off to race without the others knowing. I'm still close enough to the group to hear Luke's phone ring.

"Hello Dom.... Not sure where they are why you ask.... I don't know a Gracie..... I'll meet you there" he says giving us a look before walking off.


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