Chapter 25

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Lucy pov:

I have a plan I managed to break one of the hangers from the cupboard and I can use it as a weapon. Lucky when I broke it, it became sharp. I just hope Letty and Giselle arent close by. I might be able to take out James but I won't be able to take all 3 of them out. I just need to draw him out to the room.

I feel like I might not make it out. I'm already going to be half out of it cause of the gas. I can manage to make it not completely knock myself out by tieing a shirt around my nose and mouth but it won't be completely effective. I know the time each day he comes in here, even with it been 3 days he sticks to a time but just incase I keep out of the doors way and keep the shirt on me.

At the exact time as usual I hear the gas and quickly hide in the closet with the doors closed to also stop the majority of gas, and it's close to the door so make a quick escape.

I hear the door open and James walk in.

"Where did you fall little one" I hear him say.

I wait until he walks past the closet and hear him stop just past it. At that moment I jump out and stab him in the neck with the broken coat hanger. Once I see him calapse, I bolt from the from the room not stopping to check if he is alive or not. I just run for it all the while trying to make sure I don't get caught by one of the girls.

I make it to the front door and out just to come face to face with to men who look shocked.

"Guess she's stronger then they thought." one said.

"get in the car and keep your head down" the other says.

The first one grabs his phone out of his pocket.

"Hobbs she escaped and we about to go in to get the other 3" he says.

"Who are you" I say scared they where with James not even stopping to realize that he said Hobbs.

"Deckard shaw and this is my brother Owen. Gracie and Luke sent us to get to your step father while they take the girls out but I guess you got out on your own" says the second guy.

The one who is Owen looks up.

"Seems Giselle has spotted us, you should get out of the way before anything happens" he tells me.

I decide to quickly do as they say and jump into the back seat of the car and hide while they run into the house. Cars start pulling up out of nowhere but I don't move until I hear something terrifying.

"We already checked the house but they gone, kind of like they fanished into thin air" Owen says.

"Can't even find secret hiding spots so don't know how they did it" Deckard said.

I don't know what happened afterwards cause I pasted out know James wasn't dead and somehow made it out.

Gracie pov:

"Anything else" I ask.

"There was a puddle of blood in one of the rooms and since Lucy wasn't bleeding and I saw Giselle so either Letty or James is hurt badly but the room looks like it was used for sex" Deckard said putting his head down.

Just as I thought would happen cause Lucy had told me all he had done to her. I just hope it doesn't end up breaking my poor friend for good.

"Where is she" I ask sadly.

"The car" Deckard said looking sad himself.

I go to her and find she pasted out.

"We need to get her to a hospital now" I say.


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