Chapter 22

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Lucy's pov:

I wasn't able to do anything up until I had found out what those devices on each corner of the room was. I had tried poking at them and to take them apart but I couldnt cause they where firmly place so that only a piece was sticking out.

From what I guessed it was somewhere around 20:00 since it was black outside, it also kind of helped that they said they would feed at that time and food was slipped under the door to me.

I didn't know how hungry I was until then and quickly ate as much as I could and as fast as I could cause I didn't really know when I would get more food. I'm guessing they would be nice for awhile.

I had just brushed my teeth after eating when I heard a noise of gas been blowen out. I walked out of the bathroom and followed the noise to find out where the noise was coming from. It was come from the devices on the walls and it finally clicked that they blew some type of gas into the room.

I started to feel tired until I pasted out. I didn't know how long I was out for but when I came to I was on the bed and naked. That's when I knew James had been in the room and what he had done to me.

I had to get out of here before I give up on everything.

Gracie pov:

I wonder if Dom will ever get over his meat headedness. Will he ever realize that sometimes he needs to listen to someone else cause he's not always right.


"Dom I know you love Letty but she's up to something I know it. I heard her talking to a man on the phone and she was telling him, she loves him and will help get him out of somewhere" I say quietly.

"You don't know what your talking about. Letty loves me and only me. Your making things up cause I know you have a crush on me. Brian told me cause he didn't want you to get hurt" Dom yelled at me.

"No. I mean yes I do like you but that's why I'm telling you this. I don't want you to get hurt by her and I don't want her  treating Lucy the way she is anymore" I say as calmly as I can.

"So what you going to make up lies instead. I've spoken to her and she said she will stop but that doesn't mean you make up lies about her like that" he yells.

"like I said it isn't a lie. I'm telling the truth cause I don't want you to get hurt but if you not willing to listen then bye. I'm leaving, I'm not standing by knowing what's going to happen. You can feel free to get hurt but I ain't watching" I tell him walking away.

End flashback....

That was the day I left. I hadn't seen any of the team from that day. I mean I spoke to Lucy, Brian and Mia but that was it. As for Dom, yes I did like him once but seeing the way he acted, how he never really thought that maybe someone else can be right. He always believed what him and his team did was right but for some reason it was like Lucy and I where never part of the team.

He never excepted me ever and I don't really know why. I had never really spoken to anyone, I kept to myself. The only time I had ever spoken up was to tell him about Letty and that made it a lot worse then normal. Now I had another thing to live for, the girl who was like my sister and I'm sure I can squeeze Deckard in there somewhere. I had finally gotten over my feelings for Dom but I still wanted to know why he treated Lucy and I like dirt but for now that will have to wait.


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