14. "You know I'd do everything for you"

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Mila's POV

After coming home from the police station Cassie wouldn't leave me alone for a second. "Are you sure you're okay Mila?", she asked clearly worried. 

"Yeah, don't worry about me. I'm fine I promise", I said stopping to look at her. "Okay good, you wanna have a little girl's night? You know what some movies eat some ice cream maybe smoke a joint?", Cassie asked kindly. 

"I'd love to", I smiled, "I'm gonna shower and then get some weed if you want? We can meet at like 8?", I asked Cassie and she nodded. 

Finally, I got some alone time, it was exhausting lying to everyone and staying as calm as possible. The lady from the police station was pretty rough while taking off my make up making the marks appear even redder. 

"God fuck Nate", I muttered and looked at myself in the mirror. Usually, I would ghost him and move on but for some reason, I didn't even care.

I sighed before stepping into the shower washing all the excess makeup off and just trying to clean myself as much as possible. This whole day just made me feel dirty. 

God, I don't even wanna know what the people at school are going to say now, that they think that Nate either assaulted me or some random guy. 

When I got out of the shower I quickly downloaded the app Nate told me to not even knowing why. 

I quickly changed into something more comfortable and made my way downstairs. "Where are you going?", my aunt asked me. 

"Oh just for a little walk and I wanted to grab some snacks, Cassie and I are having a girl's night", I smiled at her. 

"Hm alright but text me and be careful honey", Suze said before turning back to her reality TV. 

I sighed in relief that she was allowing me to leave the house. 

I made it to Fez's within a couple of minutes super excited to smoke one of his world-class joints. "Fuck Mila you scared me", he said and coming up to me giving me a tight hug. 

"I'm sorry Fez", I mumbled against his chest, he still wasn't letting me go. "I heard about you and Nate getting to the police station earlier. Did he do this to you? Was he the reason you cried that night?", Fez asked all protectively. 

"No, it was some random drunk guy you know", I lied, I felt super bad for lying to the boy that would take care of me whenever. 

"I know that you're lying but that's fine you know. Shit that looks mad crazy. I swear to god if it actually was him I will kill him", Fez muttered. 

"It's fine really. I just wanted to ask you kindly to make me a joint?", I asked with puppy eyes. "You know I'd do everything for you", Fez chuckled. 

"Shit Mila that looks mad nasty", Ashtray said walking into the store. If you don't know Ashtray, he was a guy with Asperger he looked like he was 12 but was actually the second big drug dealer in town. 

"It's not that bad", I sighed. "Here you go little one. Five dollars", Fez said smiling as I handed him ten. 

"Keep the change. Thank you and I'll see you around", I smiled at Fez before leaving the house. 

Cassie's and my girl's night was actually fun and it felt good spending some quality time with my cousin. We both turned our phones off just having a good time together. 

I turned my phone on the next morning and saw that Nate had actually managed to text me through this weird App. 

Nate Jacobs 11:43 PM

Hey Baby, I hope you're sleeping well. I'm expelled from school for a couple of days but I need to see you badly. My dad took my phone and said it's best if we have a little distance but I need you. Meet me at the motel tomorrow night. I love you

I smiled at the message, he actually made an effort to contact me even though his dad didn't want it and he wasn't allowed to see me. Never settle for anything less ladies. 

Mila Howard 7:22 AM

Good morning, I'd love to, just text me the room when you're there and I'm gonna be there. I love you too. 

I put my phone in my pocket and quickly got ready for school. even though everyone knew I had choking bruises I wasn't comfortable with showing anyone. 

So my aunt got me this sweater she had that you could zip up into a turtleneck, it wasn't as hot since it was actually made for summer nights.

"You look nice", Cassie smiled as we met downstairs. 

"Are you sure you wanna go to school today?", Suze asked concerned. "Of course, I am totally okay", I smiled. 

The three of us made it to school quickly and I was greeted by many people treating me like a fragile doll. My mood was already shitty but this made it worse. 

They kept asking the same questions over and over again. 

'was it Nate?'

'Did he ever do something worse?'

'Are you guys still dating?'

'Did you know the guy?'

All these questions were repeating in my head. Also, all of the teachers showed us movies about assault or told us facts and shit that no one needed to fucking hear. 

The school actually hung up posters about it. This was just a fucking joke. 

I tried my best not to let anyone see what I was thinking or feeling by keeping a straight face all the time through the entire school day. 

I skipped practice today since I wasn't comfortable exposing all of my bruises to everyone. Cassie agreed and said that I could take the week off until the bruises were faded more. 

The day went by slowly and I got more and more excited to see Nate tonight. I missed his touch and just him in general. 

Nate Jacobs 5:46 PM

Hey Baby, come to the motel at 7 to room 52

I smiled to myself and decided to get somewhat ready by putting on a sweater set and some kind of natural makeup. 

"Where are you going?", Cassie asked, I decided to tell her so she could cover for me if my aunt asked anything. 

"I'm going to meet Nate at the motel", I explained. "Are you sure it's a good idea?", she asked sitting up in her bed a little. 

"Yes, I need to see him. All of this is horrible in general but not being able to be around him makes it ten times worse", I sighed. 

"I get that okay, have fun and text me if you need anything", Cassie said turning back to her phone. I nodded and walked out telling my aunt another lie. 

I stopped Cassie's car in the parking lot and made my way to the room Nate told me to go to. When I knocked my heart was racing so fast. 

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