24. "He has my back"

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Mila's POV

The next day Lexi and I decided to go shopping for our prom dresses since prom was this week. "Do you know what you want?", I asked her while we got out of the car. 

"Not really, I want to get a dark dress, maybe dark blue", she explained to me and showed me a couple of pictures of different dresses she found. 

"That's cute I was thinking maybe something silver or purple", I told her. Cassie and I already had shopped for our dresses and she got a super cute pink silky dress but I didn't find one I liked 100%.

Lexi and I made it to the first shop but neither of us found a dress. "Let's go in here, they sometimes have super cute dresses", Lexi suggested and she was right.

It was a super small shop in the middle of the mall but the dresses were to die for even though they were pretty cheap. Perfect for us. 

Lexi found a cute dark blue dress with some sparkles placed on the skirt part. After trying it on it was clear for the both of us that that would be her dress. 

"The dress matches my silver heels perfectly", she smiled before I went inside and tried on the dresses that I had picked out. 

The first one was silvery but it made my body look weird and my skin was looking yellow in it. "Nah", Lexi said as she shook her head.

I agreed with her and went in and came out wearing a super cute lavender-colored dress. It had a nice top part that showed my cleavage but not too much and the skirt was very light and long with a cut up to my thigh. 

"Yes, that's it", Lexi smiled. "I love it", I grinned. 

The shopping tour was over faster than the both of us thought so we decided to grab some frozen yogurt before heading home. 

"So are you and Nate dating again?", Lexi asked while we sat on one of the couches in the mall eating our ice cream.

"Yeah, I guess. I just know that he has my back every time which is such a calming thought", I smiled at her. 

"How do you pick who you want? I mean you're dating Nate Jacobs one of the most famous boys at our school?", Lexi asked. 

"They usually come to me and then I decide whether I want to or not", I told her. "But no one ever comes to me", she mumbled finishing her ice cream. 

"It's because you're shy", I explained, "You know what? If they don't come to you then you pick whoever the fuck you want".

"Yeah, I will do that", Lexi grinned as we threw away our empty ice cream cups. 

We drove back home and were greeted by a crying Cassie. She had actually told Lexi about her pregnancy yesterday night knowing she gives the best advice. 

The two of us quickly hugged the blonde girl who had tears running down her pretty face. 

"What happened?", Lexi asked her calmly. "He said I need to get rid of it. He's not ready for a baby and that it would mess with his career", Cassie explained. 

I know that McKay had the right to say his opinion but it seemed like he chooses only what was good for him. He didn't think about how hard it was going to be for Cassie to abord her Baby. 

"But do you want to?", I asked my cousin. "I have to. I'm only 17 and haven't even finished high school. The baby would have a bad life and I wouldn't be able to be there for it all the time", Cassie explained and we all agreed that she was right. 

That night Cassie went downstairs and told her mother about her little accident and for some reason Suze wasn't even mad she was so supportive and quickly booked an appointment for Cassie. 

I had to tell Nate about what was going on in our family, I just couldn't deal with it on my own and he was actually so supportive with this whole topic. 

Nate to Mila <3 2:34 PM

Are you already there?

Mila to Nate <3 2:35 PM

Yeah we just parked I'll text you later

I closed my phone and looked over to my cousin and aunt. Lexi and I were sitting in the back of the car, while Cassie and my aunt were in the front. 

The vibe in the car was odd, we didn't talk the entire ride and no music was playing it was just deadly silent. 

Cassie was crying the entire night which is totally understandable if you ask me. She always wanted to be a mom and raise children and now that she was actually pregnant she had to abord it. 

The four of us made it into the clinic after being yelled at by the serval people outside that were protesting against abortions. 

We sat in a waiting room, not talking either. There were serval kinds of girls sitting in here. 

Girls that were crying, girls that looked like they were at a dentist's appointment, young ones, and old ones. Really everyone here was different.

I hoped that I would never have to go through this, getting an abortion can be so hard on your mental health.

"Cassie", a woman said making Cassie stand up. Suze did the same but Cassie told her that she'll be fine on her own. 

Cassie and the woman walked away and we all kept silent. Lexi and I exchanged a quick glance as soon as Cassie disappeared. 

The situation was weird, we didn't know what to say or how to act so we all just kept quiet and waited until Cassie came back. 

When she came back she looked pale and empty but not as stressed necessarily. "Are you okay?", my aunt asked her daughter. "Yeah, I'm fine", Cassie replied before we all walked back out. 

The car ride home was silent as well and even though this might sound bad but we all were glad that it was over. 

The minute we came home Cassie went upstairs as she was super exhausted by the procedure. There was a knock on the door and since Suze was preparing some snacks and Lexi was doing homework I went and opened it. 

As soon as I opened the door I regretted it. 


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