25. "Drop out drug dealer"

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Mila's POV


"Hey honey", my mother smiled taking off her sunglasses. "What are you doing here?", I asked her. 

The last time I've seen my mother was before I got into the little rehab since my dad drove me to Cassie's house. 

"I'm here to take you home, your dad, and I think that you can come home", she smiled brushing some of her blonde hair out of her face. 

"Uhm no", I chuckled slightly, how could she think that I would just come back home with her after what? 8 month. 

"Where is my sister?", she asked and just stepped inside. If you'd ask me my aunt and my mother were two completely different persons. My aunt was chill and an alcoholic who was just going with the flow while my mother was a literal Karen, she had her entire life planned out and if anything went wrong she'd get rid of it, example: Me

"Suze, hello", my mother smiled walking inside. 

"Uhm Sylvia what are you doing here?", my aunt asked confused while my mother hugged her. "I'm here to pick up Mila, I think she's ready to be back home", Sylvia explained. 

"But Mila is just doing fine here and she has finally settled into the new school", my aunt protested knowing I didn't want to go with my mother. 

"Don't be stupid Suze, Mila loved Rosewood, all her friends are there. She just needed a little break after all the partying", my mother explained, and of course, she just thought I was partying too much. 

"I don't want to go back, mom. I'm happy here and this is my home", I argued finally speaking up for myself. "Honey are you still a little confused?", my mother asked as if I was a baby. 

"Mom no, I've been good, better actually. My friends are here, the people in Rosewood are not my friends anymore and I wanna finish High school here", I explained. 

"Mila you're being dumb. What about your old school? What about Sam?", she asked me. "Listen, this is my home now, here is my school, and Sam and I broke up a long time ago", I explained getting annoyed. 

"You can't be serious but okay, I will talk to your father about this, and eventually we will get you back where you belong", she smiled before placing her sunglasses back on her nose and walking out without saying anything else. 

As soon as she closed the door I turned to look at my aunt in disbelieve. "What was that?", I asked. 

"I have no fucking idea, but you can stay here I'd be glad to have you over here for a lot longer", Suze smiled before walking back into the kitchen.

I stood there for a couple more minutes and shook my head, my mother was crazy how could she just think I would pack up and leave with her? Just to live my old boring life.

The day went by and so did the next and before we even knew it, Cassie, Lexi, and I were getting ready for the prom.

Lexi looked beautiful, she had darker eyeshadow than usual and made her hair fall to one side by clipping it. 

Cassie decided to go with way less make-up than usual which actually suited her. Her hair was slightly curled and to be honest, she glowed. 

My make-up was easy as well, I put some crystals as my eyeliner which was almost everything. My hair was curled as per usual.

"My beautiful girls", Suze smiled standing in the doorway while holding a glass of wine as usual, "God you three look beautiful". 

"Thanks", we all smiled at her.

"Mila I think there is a handsome young man waiting downstairs for you", Suze smiled giving me a quick wink. 

Cassie and Lexi were actually driving to the prom with Maddy while I was going with Nate obviously. 

After the abortion Cassie stopped talking to McKay, she told me that it was the first time she's not been in love with anyone. 

I smiled at Suze being excited to see Nate since we hadn't hung out all week. "Have fun hun, but not too much", Suze yelled after me as I quickly walked down the stairs. 

Nate was standing by the door holding purple flowers that matched my dress perfectly. "Wow, you look gorgeous", he smiled and kissed my cheek while handing me the flowers. 

"Thank you handsome man", I smiled before quickly putting the flowers in some water. 

"You ready?", he asked and I nodded following him outside. He looked incredibly handsome, he was wearing a black suit that fit him perfectly along with a black and purple tie.

We got into the car and drove off quickly grabbing some food on our way, knowing we would be starving later. 

"My mother came over", I told him, since we hadn't seen each other all week I wasn't really able to tell him about it. "What?", Nate asked confused.

"She just showed up at our house and told me to come with her but I didn't want to. I'm scared she's gonna make me come home eventually", I explained to him. 

My mother always found a way to get her will sooner or later. 

"Why don't you ask Suze if she can adopt you?", Nate asked and he was right. 

"But would it even work since she has an alcohol problem?", I asked him. "Of course, your mother literally put you in rehab then dropped you off at your aunt's house without asking how you were once", Nate explained. 

"You're right, I'm gonna ask Suze tomorrow. I really wanna stay here", I smiled over at my boyfriend. "I want you to stay too", he smiled before leaning in and kissing me. 

We kept kissing for a bit until it got heated and without knowing I was sitting on his lap as we were making out in a random parking lot. 

"Wait, we still have to go to the prom. I personally wanna look put together when I get there", I chuckled quickly climbing off of him.

"That is a very good reason to stop", Nate laughed.

We both quickly got fixed up before Nate drove off. He seemed so confident the entire time but I didn't know that he was actually a little scared after last night. 

Nate's POV (Skip to last night) 

I stopped my car and headed inside the gas station to get a couple of things for my mother and to pay my gas bill. 

"Sup Fez", I smiled as I got myself something to drink. "Jacobs", Fezco greeted me back. 

"Listen, man, I don't know what kind of stuff is going on between Jules, Rue, and You but I wanted to tell you to leave them alone", the drug dealer told me, making me frown. 

"Or what?", I asked. After everything that went down with Jules, I thought I was safe but seems like Rue needed to add her fucking spice to it. 

"Or we wouldn't be having this conversation", Fezco said being a smart-ass. 

"Listen Fezco. You are a school dropout drug dealer, you ruined your future completely. So tell me what's the plan? You wanna be a gangster and live in a mention with pet tigers and shit? You made out with my girlfriend and I let it slide and now you think you want to put your nose in my business. Go fuck yourself", I chuckled knowing he would never be able to do something. 

"Listen all I want is to you to keep away from them or else imma kill you", Fez mumbled. I was actually a little scared knowing he was capable of doing something like that. 

Without another word, Fez turned to the cash register and typed some stuff in, "That will be 28.45 playboy". 

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