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It was only when the bathroom door was locked and secure that he allowed his legs to give out.

Hyunjin felt the blush on his cheeks deepen and spread from his ears all the way down to his neck, the alpha rubbing his scent glands in distress.

The look on Jeongin's face had been impossible to miss. He hated how it sent shivers down his spine, as if the other's eyes could gaze right into his soul. Or more like, under this ridiculous onesie.

Hyunjin knew he had to be more careful from now on.

As fast as his expression had changed, Jeongin went back to that fluffy personality facade again, telling him that there were new clothes for him in the bathroom while smiling widely. And Hyunjin, who was more than happy to scurry away from the pure blooded alpha, had awkwardly excused himself to the bathroom while trying to not look behind himself every given second.

Jeongin's soft chuckle was the last thing he heard before fleeing into the other room.

The raven sighed, heaving himself up to stand properly. He was met by the sight of his reflection and Hyunjin stared at himself in the mirror as he traced shaky fingers along rosy cheeks.

He can't let them get to him that easily.

The alpha heaved another sigh, slightly slapping himself. Don't lose focus. Everything coming out of their mouths will be lies and he cannot risk trusting them.

Hyunjin fiddled with his clothes, senses hyper alert as he could still smell Jeongin's scent lingering on him. Dammit.

Another alpha's scent shouldn't be able to affect him this much.

He knew he was....pretty, almost like an omega and barely alike to an alpha at all. However, that still didn't make him comfortable with the thought of someone else seeing him naked, to add that those someones were also strangers.

The raven shook his head, not wanting to ponder on what else they could've done and would do.

Whatever they had planned, he'd find a way to deal with it, at least until he could escape these grounds safely.

All he had to do was to wait.

Hyunjin sighed again, although this time his gaze remained determined as he slipped out of the pink onesie ( which surprisingly had a nice color, mind you ) and dressed himself with the clothes folded neatly on the counter.

For once, he was grateful they gave him reasonable clothes or even clothes at all.

It was a simple outfit, nothing more than a pair of black, skinny jeans and a grey, oversized t-shirt to put on. Besides the socks, there were also slippers placed on the floor and Hyunjin found himself actually kind of content with his new clothes.

At least they didn't give him some kind of lewd maid uniform or anything alike to it...

A knock startled him from his thoughts, Jeongin's voice close to the door as the other male spoke up.

"Are you good in there, Jinnie?" He froze with the t-shirt over his head. No one called him Jinnie except from his brother and it felt weird to hear coming from Jeongin, of all people.

"Hyung?" Even though the word sounded innocent, it told him more than it should have.

Hyunjin knew now that the other alpha was younger than him, but he wasn't really comfortable with Jeongin calling him hyung when they weren't even close. They just met only a few days ago and not in the most pleasing way, if you'd ask him.

hiraeth. [You Are Ours Rewrite]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora