Summoning the Foreign Servant

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Okay just so everyone knows before hand -

Fate is a confusing series!

It has a lot of very hard to grasp ideas, and a whole lotta bullshit that really don't make sense!

While I know a lot about Fate and its series! I DON'T know everything! I am no expert!

So if I write something that realistically doesn't make sense in the Fate-verse, I don't want everyone to be like "Eh well tech-nick-ly  Giggle-Mesh would defeat Great Hass-ian because blah blah blah!" 

Ain't nobody like you if you this guy ^

No one.

So if there are inconsistencies, whilst I would like them to be pointed out - don't expect them to change.

This is a fanfiction, I get to do what I want to do. If you don't like it, please understand that I'm doing this because I want to do it. Plain as that...

Otherwise, Please enjoy and let me know your thoughts!


     The night was cold and dreadful as Ozpin made his way through the halls of Beacon. He lightly dabbed a handkerchief at his head, trying to alleviate the sweat that dripped down his forehead. His heart beat had picked up in his nervousness, with his eyes darting around every corner. Constantly looking for a person that shouldn't be there. A person that couldn't possibly be there. He made his way to an elevator, his eyes darting around the room once more before finally entering it. He raised his hand to press a floor's button only for him to freeze afterwards upon seeing the strange marking on his hand. It wasn't exactly anything in particular that stood out, at most it looked like a bruise on his hand. But it still confirmed his doubts and sent a sense of dread through his body.

     Nights ago, Ozpin had a dream. A dream that told him many secrets, secrets that he never wanted to learn. Secrets that others had learned as well. For he was not the only person dreaming at the time. Thirteen others stood with him, caught in a void. An empty space filled with no meaning, no purpose. Yet a blinding mass of a figure stood in front of them all, addressing them as if they were tools being prepared. The mass spoke to them, revealing information that neither he, or anyone else on Remnant should ever know.

     A war was coming. A deadly terrible war that had nothing to do with either him, or 'her'. A war so small, yet so dangerous, that it could tear this world apart. If not controlled, it would only leave this planet covered in ashes, with not a trace of humanity left. But even then, something still hung over all of their heads that could change the fate of the world indefinitely.

     A wish granting device. This entire war- a war that shall involve fourteen masters, and fourteen servants, -that's what it's all about. To grant the wish of the last master/servant duo standing.

     Normally, if a person were to dream of such a thing, they would write it off as something else.

                    'I haven't slept in a while.'

'I'm hallucinating.'

                    'It was just some weird dream.'

     But that mass that stood before him held an aura that he had only felt once before. Way back in the day, before he was known as Ozpin. Two presences, both of them being gods. Yet this one, this one felt much stronger. One of a foreign god.

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