"We should make a girlfriend and boyfriend tag on our you tubes."

"But I'm having fun right now." I said with a smirk.

"Well then, where were we?" He said kissing me roughly.

*Cam's POV*

Kaeli seems really sweet. Nash and Bri went upstairs, shocker.

"So Kaeli, I was wondering if you wanted to maybe go get coffee sometime?"

"Sure, but we have to do it this in November sometime! Since November starts tomorrow! Then I have to leave in December. College calls, and I enjoy campus. I have good friends there."

"Okay! Sounds great."

We talked for another hour, then Bri came downstairs and her tank top was kinda messed up, she had a hickey on her hip, that I could see from the skin exposed from her messed up shirt. Then she had a hickey on her neck and her bun was slightly more to the side.

"Have fun did you?" I said with a chuckle.

"Hey, I did. But I think Nash had more fun." She said with a giggle.

Nash then came downstairs and his hair was no longer quiffed up. He had an hickey also. I just sat there and laughed.


"Nothing man, don't have to much fun."

"What can I say, we're good at what we do together." Nash said smirking.

Bri then punched his arm and walked over to Taylor and sat on his lap.

*Bri's POV*

I walked over and sat on Taylors lap.

"Wassup brosky?"

"Hello there pretty Lady! Whasshu doin?" He said with a chuckle.

"Just hanging, even though I smell like guy cologne." I made a gag face.

"Oh, really? I can tell Nash had more fun than you!" Taylor said with a chuckle.

Nash gave him a glare as I got off of Taylors lap. I went over to Nash and sat next him and squeezed his hand.

"Just remember, there is no one I'd rather be with ever. Your mine, only mine." Nash whispered to me.

"I wouldn't want to have it any other way." I whispered back.

"Oh my god guys! We should go swimming!" Kaeli exclaimed.

"Yeah! We totally should. I bought a new bikini the other day! Plus I need a reason to show off my new belly button ring." I said with a giggle.

Kaeli went upstairs to the guest room, Nash and I went to my room. Cameron went to the first bathroom and Taylor went to the second. As soon I as I got in my room, Nash grabbed me from my waist.

"I love you babe."

"I love you more NasheyPoo."

"I love you most."

After he said that, I turned and looked at him. I sat there and stared for what felt like hours. I could get lost in those blue eyes. He was looking into my green ones, just as lost as I was.

Kaeli came in and fake coughed. "Ahem, are you guys ready? You've been like for ten minutes."

"Yeah, just let me change."

She closed the door and I got out of Nash's grip. I walked over to my closet and grabbed my black bikini that had gold studs on the top piece. It was just screaming to me buy me buy me at the store. I couldn't resist. I walked out of my closet and Nash was already changed, sitting on the bed. I started stripping, because its not like Nash hasn't seen this before, so, and I trust him.

I got changed and grabbed my Ray Bands. I put them on top of my head, which my hair was in a messy bun. Then I grabbed my new belly button ring to put on. It was silver, and had a diamond on top, with a diamond shape B on it. My mom had it specially made for me on my 16th birthday.

"Okay, I'm ready." I said after changing my belly button ring.

"Leggo." Nash said picking me up and putting me over his shoulder.

"Put me down!!!" I said as we walked outside and I slapped his ass as hard as I could.

"Ow!!! What was that for?" Nash exclaimed.

"For not putting me down." I said with a smirk.

Then, he went by the pool, slapped my ass as hard as he could, which stung a little. Then he threw me in the pool. I went under the water, stunned by liquid surrounding me, so I decided to play a prank on him. I am going to float back up, but not going to move. I floated back up, with my face up, thank Jesus. I laid there, my eyes closed, breathing through my nose.

"Bri?" Nash said.

"Brianna!" Kaeli screamed.

"Dude is she okay?" Cam and Taylor asked with worry.

"Babe! This isn't funny." Nash said also with nervousness.

I am trying hard not to laugh. It is difficult.

Then I heard water splash next to me and felt arms go around my waist and I was lifted completely out of the water.

"Bahhh!" I screamed at the person holding me.

"JESUS CHRIST!" Cam yelled.

I sat there and laughed. I looked at everybody. Taylor caught on to the joke and started laughing slightly. Kaeli, Nash, and Cam looked at me with hurt in there eyes.

"What? It was just a prank." I spoke up.

"A good one may I add!" Taylor laughed.

As soon as Taylor had said that, Nash walked away.

"Babe where are you going?" I yelled after him. Nothing was said back.

I jumped out of the pool and raced in the house. I couldn't find him anywhere in here. Then, I heard the front door slam. I saw Nash getting in his jeep and driving away.

"Nash, wait!" He obviously didn't here me and kept driving.

Forever? (Nash Grier)Where stories live. Discover now