Chapter 4

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Bri's POV

Once we were in Orlando, Ash and I went  to our hotel. I think some of the MagCon  were staying here because there were fan girls were standing outside and inside the hotel.

"Wow, someone's excited to meet the boys!" Ash said as she got pushed.

"OMG your Ashley Hilridge!!!" The fan girl said.

So we ended doing autographs and taking selfies with some fans. Then finally we get to the elevator. Then someone bumps into me. "Sorry!"He said. He looked right at me and he the most stunning eyes I have ever seen. They were a bright blue and then I realized I was staring.

"Oh it's okay."

"I'm Nash by the way. Are you on the MagCon tour?"

"Yeah I'm Bri, and this is Ashley."

"You guys are gonna be playing with Shawn Mendes right?"

"That's us. Well, were gonna go get settled in."

"Wait, can I have your numbers? If you ever get bored, I will gladly show you guys around."

So we switched phones and exchanged numbers in our phones.

Ash spoke up and said, " Well he was cute right?"

"A little bit. We should hang out with him later."

So, we went to our room, I plopped down on the bed. I was just so tired from the flight. I just watched movies and talked to Ashley.

"Hey you wanna take a nap then go hang out with the guys?" I said.

"Sure why not? They can show us around and we can get used to things around here."

So I plopped on the bed, my head hit the pillow, and I was out.

*2 hours later*

Bri's POV

I got up and got in the shower. I got out and planned an outfit. Which were a pencil skirt, a PINK tank top, a white cut off leather jacket, and white stilettos. Ashley had a aqua dress and black stilettos. We didn't really know how to dress. So I texted Nash.

Bri: Hey Nash?

Nash: Yeah, this Bri??

Bri: About tonight, are we supposed to dress fancy, or casual? Because Ash and I already got dressed. I was thinking of clubbing or going to a restaurant. What do you think?

Nash: We could do both! I bet you would look great either way!

Bri: Awuh thanks! Meet in the lobby in 10?

Nash: We'll be there!!

I sorta like Nash. He seems like a really sweet guy. I'm excited for this tonight.

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