Chapter 18

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Bri's POV.

It has been two hours since Nash left. Its now 5:45. The party starts at 8. I called him a few times, with no answer. So I went downstairs to talk to Taylor.

"Hey Tay." I said with a sigh.

"Hey, what's on your mind?"

"I'm just thinking of where Nash could've went... Its really bothering me how he left. It was just a prank. I talked to Kaeli and Cam and they understood and all is forgiven. I just don't get why he over reacted like that."

"It's okay Bri. He'll be back. Or he might just meet us at the party."

Nash's POV.

I can't believe she did that. I thought something was seriously wrong. I thought I had lost her. I was freaking out. When she got up laughing, it was totally not funny. When she didn't respond, my heart literally stopped beating. I just need time to cool down, so I drove to the park. As I was sitting on the bench, someone approached me.

"Hey babe, long time no see." The person said.

I looked up and saw Lynn. I can't believe my eyes right now.

"What do you want?" I snapped.

"Well, you didn't text or call after the party, so I was worried about you." She said wrapping her arms around me.

"Get off of me."

"Why would I do that? I love you Nash."

Then all of a sudden she kissed me. It lasted for like two seconds, then I pushed her off of me.

"What do you think your doing?" I pushed her off of me and got up and walked away. I got in my car and started driving.

"What the FUCK!" I said hitting the steering wheel.

I decided just to go home and meet everyone at the party. I need some time. Even though its only two hours until the party. I got home and went straight to my room. I then turned my phone on and checked everything. Bri and Cam both had called me four times. Bri also texted me.

B: Nash I'm sorry. It was just a prank. I'm so sorry. You may not want to talk to me, but I love you.

I decided not to reply. I just want time.

I looked at Cam's text.

C: Bro where did you go? Bri is worried. She apologized to us and has been downstairs with Taylor ever since.

N: I'm okay. I'm gonna meet you guys at the party. Don't tell Bri.

Now, I'm just gonna think.

*Bri's POV*

Nash hasn't texted any of us and I'm worried. The only person I can vent to is Taylor because Kaeli and Cam are off in lala land together.

"So, since we have no idea Nash is going to be there, would you like to be my lovely date to the party?" Taylor asked.

"As friends! Yes I will." I giggled.

Forever? (Nash Grier)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن