Chapter 10.

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Nash thinks I'm gonna give up on him? Well he is wrong. When he comes back to North Carolina with those "sleazy girls", I will be the one with him, not Bri. This is the start of me getting my Nash back.

Bri's POV

I woke up in Nash's arms, but we were in my hotel bed. I was so happy he was mine. Nothing could get better. I checked the time, it was 10:30. We had to leave by 11:30!

"Guys, we have to go!!!" I yelled. It startled Nash.

"What's wrong!!?" He yelled.

"We have to leave in an hour! For the meet and greet!"

Nash's grip just got tighter.

"Babe lay down with me longer." He said in his sleepy voice. That was attractive, not gonna lie.

"No, I have to get ready boo." I said being mushy gushy with him.

He then let go of me, I went to the bathroom, stripped, and got in the shower. Half way through my shower, I heard someone come in.

"Hey! This bathroom is occupado!!!"

"Babe, it's just me, calm down. Can I get in there with you?"

"No Nash!! I'm almost done give me five minutes!"

I got out, he was still in here. He stripped, then got in while I changed my clothes.

"Wear that black bra and panties! I think you'd look nice in them."

"If it'll make you feel better, I guess I will."

I put them on, with maroon crop top, white skinny jeans, and my maroon vans. I curled my hair, and put on eyeliner and mascara since I don't have any acne or freckles. I'm pretty blessed not having those. I left the bathroom, waited for Nash to get out of the shower. I walked into the bathroom, and he had his khaki shorts, a white t-shirt, maroon button up, with his maroon vans. I jumped on his back.

"You trying to match me?" I said before I kissed his cheek.

"Maybe, maybe not." He said with a smirk.

"Well, Ash stayed in Matt's room, so I'm guessing she is in the room changing now. It's 11 right now. Let's take a picture!"

I pull out my phone and go on Instagram, Nash is smiling with his hands on thighs while he is holding me up on his back. I kiss his cheek and take the picture. I look at it, then put a filter, and post it with the caption, "Love going to MagCon with the babe @NashGrier"

"I gotta say, your hair is looking great. I do love those blonde highlights."

With that, were head out of the bathroom, I grab my wallet and our my phone in my back pocket. Nash and I walk to the elevator hand in hand. Ash and Matt catches up to us, followed by Carter, Cameron, and Hayes. I jump on Nash's back in the elevator, and I feel so comfortable like this. We walk out of the lobby and to the rental car. I jump off Nash's back and wet get in the car. We sat next to each other with our hands intertwined. We get to the event, we all go backstage.

"You wanna know something?" Nash whispers in my ear.

"What would that be?" I say with a grin on my face.

"I'm falling for you. I thought you should know that. I've loved you ever since I saw you."

"Aww, I love you to Nash."

He walks next to the stage and waits to get his name called. Before he walks up, he winks at me.

"So you and Nash are a thing now?"Ash says.

"Yeah, what about you and Matt?"

"He asked me out after you left with Nash.  Of course I said yes! Well, wet go to back North Carolina in two days."

"Yeah, we are all going back together, according to Nash. His friend is having a party for the guys when we go back. Everybody will be there. There is gonna be a lot of drinking. I for one, am down."

*Skips to the hotel.*

"Well, that was a long day, I'm ready for a swim. You wanna go?" Nash said.

"Just you and I?"

"Yeah, it's only 8:30. We'll be there until 10. Sound like a plan?"


I changed into a black bikini, took my makeup off, and put my hair into a messy bun.  Nash had on white swimming trunks. Plus he was shirtless. Zayuumm. I threw on one if his shirts and we went down to the pool.

"You look hot in my clothes by the way." Nash said.

"Why thank you." I said with a little giggle.

Wee got down down to the pool. I took off his shirt and jumped in. He jumped in after me. He made me face him as I placed my arms around his neck. I wrapped my legs around him, so I was  straddling him. He rocked me back and forth and walked around the pool. I leaned and kissed him.

"What was that for?" Nash said.

"Just because I love you."

"I love you more."

"That, I don't think it's possible."

"Oh, it is."

Then he kissed me again. Everything just felt so right. Nothing could go wrong. We pulled away and went back to the hotel room. We showered and got into bed. I nuzzled into him and feel asleep.

A\N the next chapter will start at the airport. So don't be confused !!! Don't forget to leave comment and vote!!! With love, -Bri?

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