Chapter 32

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—Teddy POV—

I gripped Uncle Harry's hand, leaning into him. I felt the sweat gathering on my clammy hands, one of which was holding the trolley with my clothes trunk, my school robes, which were draped over my trunk, and my owl. I was looking around nervously as we made our way to a space between platforms nine and ten. Soon, I felt him let go of my hand, letting a rush of air make the sweat on my palms more present.

"You have to run straight through that wall. No hesitation. Draco and Scorpius will go first- to show you." I looked at Scorpius, who gave me an excited nod. I watched as Draco bent down to Scorpius' eye level pointing at the column and explaining to him the concept of the magical barrier. They clutched each other's hands, and broke off into a quick run, before disappearing into the wall.

"I'll be right behind you, Ted." I looked up at him, swallowing my nerves, then I looked at Andromeda, standing right behind him. I gave a timid nod, adjusting my grip on my trolley. I took a deep breath, staring at the barrier with determination. I can do this. I broke off into a run. The arrier getting closer, closer, closer. I closed my eyes upon what would have been impact, but instead I felt a sort of suction throughout my body, and came out of the other side.

A brilliant red steam engine labeled as HOGWARTS EXPRESS was in view- standing idle, the smoke stack piping out white clouds. There were people everywhere, and I was overwhelmed. I just barely felt two hands on either of my shoulders, pulling me aside. It was Andromeda. She pulled me closer to her, Uncle Harry, Draco, and Scorpius.

"Listen," said Uncle Harry. "You are going to board the train, and you'll get in a compartment that isn't empty. You'll make some friends. Okay?" I nodded, swallowing the persisting lump in my throat.

"I love you, Ted. You'll do smashingly at Hogwarts." He looked up, seeing something behind me, then looking at Draco and Scorpius. "Andromeda will guide you aboard. Okay?"

"Okay." I told him. I felt something press up against me, and saw Scorpius hugging me from the side.

"Good luck! I'll see you during the Holidays!" He said, with a smile stretching from ear to ear. I gave him a small smile in return.

"Thanks, Scor. I'll be looking forward to it." I told him.

Before I knew it, I was being turned around by Andromeda, her hands staying on my shoulders.

I tried to look back, but there were swarms of people already filling the gap between us.

"I'll care for the trolley, Teddy. Go on, grab your trunk and owl. They'll sit in the compartment with you. Remember I put a sandwich in the pocket of your robes. That'll be your lunch, dear. There's money in your trunk if you need it, but I doubt you will. It's enough for you to get something if the opportunity arises." I heard her say. It seems my feet had carried me to the front of the train along with loads of other children. Many in regular clothing and holding their robes in their hands, like me. Some, however, were already in their school robes. Andromeda had assured me last night though: "The ride is long enough for you to put on and take off your robes 50 times."

I gave her one last hug, lasting a bit longer than usual, before she helped me hoist the trunk and owl from the trolley. Apparently, taking your time doesn't work here, because every second of hesitation caused a push or a shove to come my way. I didn't bother to find an occupied compartment- just falling into the first available one. If anyone else wanted to enter, they could. With a heave and some struggle, I was just barely able to lift my trunk onto the overhead compartment. I sat down, placing the cage containing my brown and white spotted owl next to me, catching my breath. I draped my robes over my lap, closing my eyes. This is going to be quite the year.

I opened my eyes at the sound of a small bang, and looked out the compartment to see students piling into the train, pushing and shoving down the corridor. I stiffened at the sight of her.

Tall, silver hair styled to perfection, olive skin that was just flawless. She's the girl who gave me the black eye. I shuffled further into my seat. Change your face. Hopefully she won't recognize you. I closed my eyes, concentrating. Make my face smaller, more round. Green eyes, not brown. Change my hair. Make it shorter, make it Weasley-red.

When I opened my eyes she was long gone. I realized that Aminata probably never even realized I was in this compartment. Not with the rush of kids racing to sit with their friends. I decided to keep myself the way I was- red hair and all. Maybe if her posse doesn't recognize me, they won't pick on me.

Just then, I heard my compartment door slide open, and was met with a short kid with curly, dark brown hair, a little bit like Uncle Harry's. The kid was also pale, skinny, and already wearing their Hogwarts robes. I got a good look at them, just trying to figure out: are they a boy, or a girl? I couldn't quite seem pinpoint it off appearance alone, so I stayed silent as to not embarrass myself.

"Can I sit here? Everywhere else is full." I looked up at him... him, and nodded.

"Y-yeah." I thought twice before stating my name. I'm transformed for a reason.

"I'm Luca. What about you?" He asked. I swallowed.

"Teddy." Not Edward. Edward is a werewolf to everyone else.

"Nice to meet you Teddy." He said with a shy, sideways smile. He put his trunk in the overhead compartment before sitting down beside me.

"Do you know a lot about Hogwarts?" I blinked a few times. He's trying to make small talk. He's just looking for a friend. He's not scared of you.

But he doesn't know who you really are.
"Yeah. Both my parents, and my grandparents, and really my whole family went to Hogwarts."

"So you must know loads of stuff already..."

"I mean... I guess? I don't know how to use magic. I only got my wand last week-" I paused and pulled it out of my pocket, the intricately crafted stick resting in my hands.

"Your wand looks nice." He said with a shy smile, and a small laugh.

"Look, here's mine." He pulled his own out of his pocket, more simply crafted, and closer to black than brown. It was also smooth and straight. For a bit we just sat there, examining each other's wands before the compartment door opened again.

"Hi. I couldn't find a seat anywhere else." I looked up towards the light and feathery voice to find a girl with strawberry blonde hair into a style that reminded me of a girl whose picture I'd seen among the many on Draco's shelves. One where he was a young kid, at the Yule Ball. She was standing with him.

"I'm Bonnie. And you?" I snapped out of my daze.

"T-Teddy. And this is Luca." I said, gesturing to him, I noticed that he's a bit shy- so am I.

We got to talking for a bit, and getting to know each other. Soon though, it was time for us to change into our robes. Bonnie changed in the loo, and I changed in the compartment, drawing the shades. Luca just sat, waiting patiently.

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