Soon both Masaki and Tatsuya, along with Miyuki and Mayumi left to go to the Saegusas meeting hall.

Tatsuya and Masaki arrived first.

"Should we go in without them?" Masaki asked.

"I think so, I texted them and they said they will be 15 minutes but they will try to make the driver go faster" Tatsuya calmly responded.

"I agree that we should go in. If we go in we can also get a better idea of what is going to happen in advance" Masaki explained his approval.

So Tatsuya and Masaki went in. Masaki knocked on the door. "Come in" a familiar strong voice commanded.

As they entered they saw all of the 10 families sitting in a straight line. The Yotsuba, Saegusa and Ichijou head in the middle due to the fact it was there kids.

They all stared at them as they took there seats. "So intimidating" Masaki thought to himself as he kept his straight confident face on.

They both sat down in the seats that had there names in front of them. Tatsuya was at the far left, then Mayumi is next to him, Miyuki next to her and then Masaki on the far right next to Miyuki.

Everyone was dressed formally. The Ichijou and Saegusa head had there trade mark straight face whilst the Yotsuba head had her iconic smirk.

It only occurred to Tatsuya during that meeting that almost everyone in these familys were trained to keep a straight face.

After 10 minutes Miyuki and Mayumi walked in and took there respective places.

The Ichijou head started "Thank you for joining us. In case you were not aware we will be discussing marriages between the 4 of you"

"Of course the pairings will be Mayumis and Tatsuya, and then Miyuki and Masaki" the Saegusa head informed.

"We will talk about the conditions we want from each marriage to the pairs individually but, we have all agreed we want you to have kids" Maya explained.

"We will talk to you lot individually on different days and the conditions for you lot will all be different however, both of your relationships will be made public" the Ichijou head continued.

"Do you have any questions or problems with anything that was said?" The Saegusa head asked.

"No" all 4 of them replied.

"Good, then we will now be discussing the conditions of your marriages" Maya evily smirked.

Once Maya (the Yotsuba head) finished speaking every one apart from her, the Saegusa head and the Ichijou head left.

"We will start with Masaki and Miyuki so Tatsuya and Mayumi please wait outside" The Saegusa head politely commanded.

Tatsuya and Mayumi then left fo go into the outdoor part of the Seagusa hall.

There was a massive and elegant fountain which Tatsuya sat on whilst reading.

Mayumi was distracting herself by looking at the flowers.

"Mayumi, how do you feel about this?" Tatsuya asked looking directly at her.

Mayuki smiled at him gently and replied "well I'm a bit nervous but, I'm happy this is happening."

"That's good" Tatsuya simply said.

Before he could return to his book he heard Mayumi who was now in front of him ask "how about you? How do you feel about this?"

"Fine, I'd rather be with you than anyone else I know but, the conditions my family are going to make is what mainly concerns me" Tatsuya said normally.

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