"That's the thing though, I promised Sarah that I wouldn't let any of you find out about her." Kol sighed, "She knows what Nik will do to her if he knows about her." 

          "Why would he want to hurt her?" 

          "I can't tell you. I already broke one promise to her, I won't break any more." 

          Rebekah let out a small laugh. 

         "What, Rebekah? I don't have time for you to be messing around. Her heart grows weaker by the minute." Kol's voice trailed off, his eyes welled up, but he refused to let anyone see him look weak. 

          "It's just..." Rebekah smiled, "I've never seen you care about someone this much. It's a nice change. 

          Kol was about to say something snarky when Nik came through the door, dragging Bonnie Bennett behind him. 

          "Here we are," Niklaus said as he dropped Bonnie in front of Kol and Sarah, "Fix her or little Jeremy Gilbert dies, hunters curse be damned." 

          Bonnie glared at the three originals, "Why should I help you, you'll just kill Jeremy anyway." 

          "Because she's innocent." Kol said, hoping it would work, "She's not a vampire or a werewolf, she's an innocent human." 

          Bonnie laughed, "She's not human. You can't tell?" 

          "What do you mean she's not human?" Kol asked, clearly confused.

          Niklaus spoke up from where he was standing, "I can smell from here that she's not human, how did you not notice?" 

          "Even I could tell." Rebekah added. 

          "Oblivious as ever, brother." Niklaus rolled his eyes. 

          "Can we talk about my incompetence AFTER she's better. Whether she's human or not, she's still innocent, FIX HER BONNIE." Kol yelled, as he heard Sarah's heart slow almost to the point of stopping. 

          "I agree," Elijah said as he stepped through the open front door, "If we could discuss this at a later time. Miss Bennett, if you would..." 

          "Fine." Bonnie stated as she moved closer to Sarah, "lay her flat on the floor and tell me what happened while I try to sense what's wrong." She began to move her hands over Sarah's body, mumbling to herself. 

          "We were just talking and she passed out!" Kol said, clearly stressed. 

          "Yes, but what happened before that? Was she showing any symptoms of being ill?" Bonnie continued, flipping through her grimoire. 

          "Well, she had a headache and heard ringing in her ears, said that it had been growing for about an hour. She figured that it was just from being brought to this world and..." Kol stopped, realizing that his siblings were still in the room. 

          "Brought to this world?!?" Nik exclaimed. "What world is she from?!?" 

          "Not now." Bonnie exclaimed as she used her powers to push Niklaus, Rebekah, and Elijah from the room before locking them in the study. "Continue. Everything. It's important." 

          "Alright, she's from a different universe where our lives are a tv show called The Vampire Diaries. She knows everything about everyone and everything that has happened or will happen. I promised her I wouldn't tell anyone, I have to keep her safe." Kol sighed, annoyed with himself for breaking another promise. 

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