It was all Harry ever wished for; a family.


After walking around the Diagon Alley for some time, they went to a park to hang out for the rest of the day before going back to Grimmauld Place, Sirius' house.

Sirius turned into his animagus form, a huge black dog and was playing with Harry, running around in the park while Remus sat on a wooden bench under the tree with a book (a muggle book guide of the lifestyle of a werewolf- in Remus's genuine opinion, muggles seriously needed to stop writing books about things they had no idea about) on his lap. He looked at Harry giggling and running around with Sirius on his tail and a soft smile found its place on his face; the little boy looked so much like his late father that it was almost painful but his as a forest and kind, they were undoubtedly his mother's. Remus could sort of guess that Harry has to hear this phrase a lot when he'll grow up.

The bespectacled boy came running back to Remus while Sirius decided to turn back to his human self and buy some ice cream and Betie Bott's Every Flavour Beans. Harry sat beside Remus, still out of breath because of all the running. Without saying anything to each other, they sat together comfortably looking at the distance. When Remus turned to Harry, he saw the little boy was staring at something with a wistful look in his eyes. Following Harry's line of sight, Remus saw that he was watching a young boy and his mother who were walking down the street hand in hand. The boy was a bit older than Harry, not more than 11; he had a box of Olivander's wand shop and was talking to his mother excitedly about something who was listening to the boy with a warm smile on her face.

Remus felt a sharp twinge of pain inside; no matter how much both Sirius and he were trying to fill the void left by James and Lily, Harry will always long for his real mother and father even though he never met them, even though he will never say his longing out loud. He placed a hand on the little boy's back.

"Say, Remus," Harry says, turning to him. "Aunt Petunia once mentioned about something me having a godmother,"

Remus froze.

"Do I have a godmother too?" Harry asked, tilting his head.

For a minute, Remus didn't know what to say, he started feeling slightly nauseous. He looked around if Sirius was anywhere near them, but the black haired guy was still inside the shop.

"Yes." Remus managed to utter quietly and shortly.

Harry became too happy to notice the discomfort in Remus' voice.

"Really?! Sirius never mentioned it before though." Harry said wide eyed. "Where is she?"

Remus was feeling sick to the stomach by now, feeling overwhelmed by Harry's questions. A gut-wrenching pain engulfed him from the inside as he looked at the bespectacled boy who was looking at him expectantly. 

"Look, Harry, I want you to listen to me very carefully," He said firmly, holding Harry's small, bony shoulder. "The person who is supposed to be your godmother is not a..." He didn't know how to put it into words for an 8 years old boy. "... is not a good person, Harry. She's alive but she's not around anymore. She is in a place where people like her deserve to go."

"..." Harry was silent for some time, staring at Remus a bit surprised at this sudden revelation. He had never seen Remus become so serious with him before and not to mention so much in pain. But before he could stop himself he asked Remus again, "What did she do, Remus?"

"She... was our friend and she did something very horrible, Harry, something that was beyond our imagination." Remus felt that Harry was not yet at the age where he could know and understand everything but he still felt that Harry should know at least something. "And I want you to promise me something, Harry,"

Harry's forest green eyes looked at him questioningly. 

"Promise me that you'll never ever mention your godmother in front of Sirius, not even the fact that you have any knowledge about her in any way. Can you promise me that, Harry?"

With countless unanswered questions racing in his mind, Harry looked at Remus who had never looked so different in front him. The Remus his little self knew was always kind, collected and logical but this Remus in front of his eyes was frantic, shaken and disgusted... disgusted at a person Harry had never met. 

So he decided to do what his mind believed to be the right thing to do.

"I promise." Harry nodded.

Remus stared into Harry's eyes that reminded him of his late best friend. He put his hand on Harry's messy hair. "Good boy." He said softly, smiling warmly. Even though Harry wanted to ask so many things, he was just glad that Remus went back to being the person he truly was. He didn't ask for anything more.

"What are you two talking about looking all serious?" Sirius asked who was now standing in front of them with both hands full of Bertie Bott's Every Flavour Beans, pumpkin pasties and ice cream.

"I thought you were Sirius." Harry said, giggling. 

Sirius looked confused before he closed his eyes and chuckled. "Okay, I literally walked into that one."

"Yeah, that you did and I can see you bought pumpkin pasties as well." Remus pointed out, getting up from his seat along with Harry.

"Couldn't resist." Sirius shrugged.

As three of them were on their way to Grimmauld Place, Harry couldn't help but think back about the conversation he had with Remus. Although the 8 years old Harry intended to keep his promise, he could barely contain his curious mind.

But he kept his promise. At least he did... for the next four years.


Word count- 1672 words.

A/N: My first Harry Potter fanfiction. Hope I didn't make much grammatical and spelling mistakes. The plot has been itching inside my mind for some time so I decided to just go and write it. I would like to update regularly but I don't if I can.

And I don't own the picture in the media, I found it on google.

Don't forget to vote if you liked it 💛🖤💛🖤

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