━ 8. All secrets unraveled

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It wasn't like that was the first time Remus had seen a dark mark. During the first wizarding war he had fought the death eaters standing on the front line. But seeing the dark mark etched on her pale wrist, disappointment, disgust and a sick kind of feeling engulfed him completely.

'I was wrong to trust her... I let my feelings get in the way and put everyone in danger, Harry in danger... I helped a murderer and I let her deceive me...' These thoughts that kept repeating inside his brain like a broken radio were enough to drive him mad.

Remus said nothing but Diana could see countless conflicted emotions swam through his coffee colored eyes. She wanted to scream but her throat felt constricted.

"You didn't tell me you are a death eater." Remus didn't ask, he stated blankly.

"R-remus, I-I thought it was not the right time and I wanted to explain everything after all this sorted out--"

"You mean after you've established all of your lies successfully?" Sirius snarled.

"No! I have explanations for everything! Trust me!" She cried in desperation. "I became a death eater because Dumbledore wanted me to become--"

Sirius was having none of it; he was getting an immense amount of sadistic pleasure cutting her off in every sentence, which he once never even thought of doing when they were still students in Hogwarts - he was that mad for her. "Let me guess, Dumbledore wanted you to become a spy, right? That's what you're going to say now right?"

The disheveled woman gulped and nodded timidly.

Sirius suddenly let out a dry chuckle so devoid of emotions that everyone felt goosebumps. The trio just looked back and forth at the three older people in front of them arguing.

"Just classic. You became a death eater, betrayed James and Lily, now you've come here to kill Harry and now that you've been cornered, you're saying it was Peter and you were the spy all along." Sirius scoffed. "Brilliant. Just bloody brilliant, Lynstorm."

"NO!" Finally the woman snapped. For the first time her bright hazel eyes became that of an unhinged prisoner from Azkaban that Harry had feared her to be all along. Those who had wands in their hands except for Ron and Harry, pointed their wands at the woman instinctively, including Sirius whose eyes slightly widened at her sudden outburst.

"JUST BLOODY FUCKING LISTEN TO ME FOR ONCE!" Her scream resonated in the now silent room. "Let me prove you wrong. Please..." Her voice again became soft and desperate. "Just pull out that rat inside that boy's pocket and let me prove it to you, that Peter is alive. Then... then we'll talk about my death mark."

Finding rationality in her proposition, Remus lowered his wand and Sirius, sharp as always, quickly caught on even before anyone explained it to him.

"Rat? You mean, Ron's rat is Peter?" Sirius narrowed his eyes suspiciously.

Diana nodded, staring at him and Sirius held her gaze intensely.

"What? Scabbers?! That's impossible!" Ron exclaimed in shock amongst all. "You're bloody bonkers, aren't you?! And I'm not giving him to you when he's finally having a good sleep."

After Diana explained everything with the help Remus about everything, Harry was finally beginning to listen, however, Sirius was another matter. He was doubting every single word that had been coming out of Diana's mouth but he couldn't retaliate against all of her reasons plus Remus was helping her much to Sirius's annoyance.

"So, give us the rat, Ron- is that your name?" Diana asked softly.

Ron felt compelled to nod.

She smiled at him. "Well, don't worry, Ron. If it's not Peter, nothing will happen to your rat. And if it is... we'll talk then."

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