━ 14. New suspicion

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"What are you doing here?"

Staring into Sirius's narrowed grey eyes, Diana sighed. "No need to look at me like that. I needed to buy clothes-"

"You could wear my clothes-"

"Also my wand."

"You could've use-- ah." He said when my words finally processed in his head. He frowned. "You could've told me at least."

"And what? So that you could buy my wand?" Diana narrowed her eyes. "A wizard or witch has to be present while buying their wands. And I'm not broke, I don't need your money."

"No but I would've come with you." He stared at her.

She was surprised that he believed her so easily, knowing his unadulterated hatred for a certain mark on her forearm. 

Diana's expression involuntarily softened. "Don't worry, I can protect myself very well and I came with Remus"

Sirius's eyes widened. "You brought Moony here?! Tut-tut Diana, you always have been a bad influence on my precious Moony!" He glared at her.

For the first time, Diana let out a hearty laugh, Sirius felt something stir inside him, an old, nostalgic flame. "Oh, shove off! He's at Diagon Alley, not here. And I'm not that bad!" She winked.

"Oh yeah?" Sirius fired back with a knowing look flashing his face. "I have various examples to prove otherwise."

Then they just stood there with small smiles on their faces as they realized this was the first normal conversation they had since they met.

Sirius felt this sudden urge to just reach out and touch her face; just to touch her, to feel that she was really here in front of him, smiling freely. He literally wanted to feel the reality he was currently in. He felt it so intensely but he still kept his arms by his side.

"You didn't tell me why you're here." She asked casually as both of them started walking side by side. The shadowy, dark street was deserted as a couple of lampposts by the pavement gave off a soft, yellowish light, illuminating the whole area.

"... Well, I got some information about some things." He said cryptically shoving his hands inside his pockets.

She felt a strange disappointment seeing him do that; deep inside she was reminded how he always, always used to hold hands while walking together. She quickly brushed it off.

"Would it kill you to tell me what this information is about?" She asked, throwing him a side glance.

"Um, not really..." He said but became silent again. "Let's go to that pub."

Diana was surprised that he was trusting her so easily. Even though she hadn't forgive him for what he had done to her, there was no harm in being civil with him when he was making the effort. She shrugged.

A dingy, nameless pub stood at the corner of the cobblestone street and they walked inside. They didn't find many customers inside, just some suspicious looking wizards and witches here and there lingering around. Diana pulled the edge of her hood deeper.

"Don't worry. They'll hardly report you. Most of them are running from the ministry themselves anyway." Sirius assured her as both of them walked up to the counter.

While Sirius ordered a pint of firewhiskey, Diana ordered a tankard of butterbeer. The man looked at her in a funny way before taking their orders- maybe he wasn't used to taking orders for butterbeers in an underground pub. They grabbed their drinks and walked up to an empty table.

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