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Author's Note:
Yayayyaya! More Cedric!!!!! Anyways Hope you enjoy this chapter! Please vote and/or comment.
One last thing DONT STOP BELIEVING. Jk anyway Byeeeeee!!

Disclaimer- I do not own any of the Harry Potter characters, world, storyline. But I do own Serena Snape and Ariana Riddle, also the plot/storyline.


I remember it like it was yesterday. My 6th birthday had pasted just a few weeks before. The uneasy feeling of death washed over me as I closed my eyes.


I woke up to screaming. It unnerved me and made me want to run. Breathing in a deep breath was a mistake. For the smoke burned my lungs. Smoke? Why was there smoke? Running out of my bedroom I see my parents side of the house burning, inflamed in smoke. Carefully I grab my wand and run from the rapidly spreading fire.

As I weave through the long corridors of our house, I feel the fire creep closer. For once I wished the long hallways I used to play in were shorter. The smoke blinds me, making every frantic step I take harder and harder.

Finally I rush out of the house, and collapse on the ground. Soon I catch my breath and run to the front to see where my parents are. But first I must go through the gardens. Mum also loved flowers, even though she never did like Herbology. She spent endless hours showing me all of the blooms.

But soon I hear voices. Hiding behind one of the shrubs in the garden, I can see strange people in dark cloaks surrounding my mother. Who was forcefully held down by one of them, my father was being restrained by another. But what stayed with me the most was the look and fear in my father's eyes as I hear, for the first time, the unforgivable curse.

"Avada Kedavra" The cloaked man shout, as my Mum suddenly fell to the ground motionless.

I will never forget that moment when I heard my Father cry out. Next thing I remember is waking up in a cold hospital bed.

(End flashback)

It haunts me to this day.

But talking about it brings up fears, that have been buried so long.


I wake up to the frantic beeping of my alarm. Quickly I get dressed, check over my supply list, and grab my truck. Lugging it downstairs was a bit harder than I expected, but I had always been an over packer. My Father was waiting in the kitchen reading the newspaper. It had been decided that since I was beginning my fifth year, that I would arrive early with Father and be sorted ahead of time.

We quickly ate, and got ready. The nervousness pushing up into my throat prohibiting me from speaking as I silently got dressed in my robes. Feeling like this was not common, but then I remembered that I would have my Father there the entire year. That thought calmed me a little.

My first thought of Hogwarts, was that the school was absolutely wonderful. As we walked through the courtyard up to the doors. I see some early students walking around. They seem happy and glad to be back. I stay close to Father, for when we pass anyone the looks given are of confusion and questioning.

We reach this golden griffon statue carved into the wall. Father says something inaudible to it, and it twists slowly, turning into a staircase. We walk up and once inside, I see a man with a long white beard next to a phoenix.

"Ah. Snape. This must be her."

"Yes. Shall we proceed." Father answers back

I am waved to sit on a stool. They set a dusty, old, brown hat on my head. I jump when I hear its voice inside my head.

"Hmmmmm........Interesting. Such an unspoken, intellectual brain. But yet such potential in Slytherin. "

I began to wonder what will happen. The worry fills me. 'What If I don't get put into a house?' What if I am sent back home?' These thoughts flood my mind.

"I think you would be.............a fine addition to Ravenclaw."

"Very well" says the strange, wise man.

Father looks shocked but not disappointed. I hope he is proud of the Sorting Hat's choice. Looking down I see a symbol has been embroidered onto my robe. It is a badge with an eagle flying, and has Ravenclaw written on it. To me it is beautiful.

Father tells me it would be a good idea to go explore a little before the mass of students arrive. Thinking that would be wise, I say goodbye to the man I now know as Dumbledore. Walking through the corridors I finally come to the courtyard we first saw upon entering Hogwarts. There are more students gathered here now. The sheer mass of them scares me.

My old school was at most half the size of Hogwarts. Therefore social interaction was small, if any. I tended to stay out of the drama and group conversation that others love to join.

Quickly I make my way out of the courtyard, but I run directly into someone.

"Hey again." I look up to see Cedric standing there smiling.


"So you like to get here early to? Or is it just by chance I get to see you again?"

"My Father needed to get me sorted early."

"Cool. So I see you got into Ravenclaw." He says and looks at the embroidered badge on my robe.

"Yeah. And you are in......" I strain to see his badge "....Hufflepuff?"

"Yep. You want a tour of the castle?"

"Sure." I say and follow him as he leads me back into the castle.

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