9. What You Waiting For?

Começar do início

"Excuse me, sorry, miss, excuse me, sorry you can't take flowers in there..." An unfamiliar voice was calling from the corridor. Garcia groaned as she eventually managed to squeeze herself in the door with all of her gifts. 

"Someone flash their badge I don't have enough hands." She said jokingly, setting all of the bags and balloons on the armchair in the corner at the bottom of my bed before hurrying round to the left side and clambering over Spencer. 

"I'm not sure which part hurts so I'm just going to give you a feather-hug okay?" She smiled, throwing herself at me only to give me the lightest of hugs. 

"Thank golly you're alright you beautiful little Princess, my heart hasn't stopped racing like Lewis Hamilton since I got Hotch's panicked phone call yesterday morning." She wheezed, straightening up and hurrying to her collection of gifts. 

Morgan squeezed through the door as she was saying this, with even more bags. He rolled his eyes and sat them among the others before coming and giving me his own hug.

One by one the team told me how relieved they were that I was alright. They each hugged me delicately before Garcia told me all of the bags were mine and how she refused to believe I wasn't going to be okay by buying me clothes and gifts and balloons and flowers and chocolates.

"I think we should let you rest." JJ smiled from Hotch's side.
"Yes that's probably best." He nodded with a smile, straightening up and squeezing my hand.

"We're flying back tonight but Spencer's going to stay with you and make sure you rest enough to come back when you're ready." Emily explained from Spencer's side, a gentle hand on his shoulder.

"Oh you don't have to do that, I'll be alright on my own, I promise." I smiled sweetly but Spencer just shook his head and squeezed my hand.
"Deal's already done." He said simply. I smiled and blushed slightly as I turned to the others.

"Thank you so much for everything, really." I thanked them but they didn't seem to know what for.

"Just get some rest now sweetheart." Garcia said, leaning down to press a light kiss to my forehead.

"Garci I swear if you've left a lipgloss stain on my skin I'm not going to be happy with you." I said in my warning tone. She giggled an 'oops' before laughing with the others as they left my room.

"Your medication should be wearing off now." Spencer said, checking my obs with narrowed eyes, licking his lips and checking my pulse.

"Spence, I'm fine, really," I smiled at him broadly but he only pursed his lips and sat back. "I'm sorry." I apologised, without entirely knowing why I was saying those words.

"No, I'm the one who should be saying sorry. I was horrible to you and treated you unfairly before we got to Ratchkins' facility. I shouldn't have let you go in that room alone."

"None of us were to know that door was going to lock behind me."
"If I had your back properly, it would've been the pair of us locked in that room, not just you." I sighed and pinched the bridge of my nose.

"The main thing is I made it out alive, right?"
"But what if you hadn't?"

"You can't think like that, Spence," I said gently, taking his right hand into both of mine this time. "I'm okay, really. I have a few aches and bruises but that's it. I'm alive. And I'm lucky to be here. If it wasn't for you and the team supporting me on the other side of that door, I would've gone mental in there." Spencer smirked but started blinking rapidly, something he only done when he was getting emotional.

"What's wrong?" I asked softly, circling my thumbs on the back of his hand.
"I really thought I was going to lose you." He said and his voice broke on the last word.

Honesty - Criminal Minds || Spencer Reid FanfictionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora