Start from the beginning


⠀⠀⠀The only light he had left was Avery who let him cry into his lap as he combed through his hair, lips moving around hushed words of comfort, after the boy had cleaned up yet another series of stinging wounds on Regulus' heavily scarred back, this one caused by Walburga Black's brand new whip made from dragonhide, the very same one she tested out over the Easter holidays because he'd let 'that filthy Potter girl' best him in nearly every fucking subject, which was way worse than the half-and-half ratio the pair had maintained over the years. Avery had cleaned up too many of them to count, he'd always get nauseous and sick after moving beyond fifty one, because after fifty one, the next rounds had Orion Black's work mixed in as well. The man had chosen his wand as his weapon to slash through his skin but the highlight of it all was his cock balls-deep into his own son, moving back and forth in him because the Black parents knew only one way to let out their fury and rage and it was to lash it out physically on their sons. But seeing as Sirius had ran away and this act of his was the very reason they were so livid, they only had one option left: Regulus Black.


⠀⠀⠀Avery doesn't ever even want to imagine the screams of pain that must have left Regulus' throat and the broken, given up expressions that would've fallen on his face afterwards, because he knows this fact even better than his own fucking name: he would end up killing himself.



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⠀⠀⠀Remus had forced her to lay down and put her head in his lap, fussing over how she needed to take care of herself and yet, she was 'literally throwing her entire existence' into a mountain of work with zero balance and time off. Manon rolled her eyes but smiled appreciatively as they listened to Lily Evans and James banter back and forth, while they spent their Saturday outside, sitting under a particularly warm sun and on fresh grass, accompanied by their books and except for the sick Remus and Manon, their brooms as well to play a casual game of quidditch.


⠀⠀⠀Lily had finally warmed up to the lovesick boy and they all had started betting on when she would finally accept his not very secretive feelings. Manon had settled on for two weeks and Sirius had chalked it up to merely one.


⠀⠀⠀She looked at them all now, Kate and Lucas lost in their own world of flirty exchanges, seductive touches and sweet smiles. Jeremy and Charlotte had paired up with Peter for collective studying, despite the Gryffindor being a year above. The pair of Ravenclaws were easily helping him where he got caught up and there was a very bright and very hopeful glow on the boy's face because for the first time, he felt that he might actually graduate after all. Lily and James were a couple in the making, so everything they were doing was regular pre-relationship stuff — James trying to provoke her with teasing remarks and love-filled expressions, and Lily pretending to be more annoyed than she actually was and that she wasn't mirroring his feelings back. Sirius returned from his short-lasting visit to his dormitory because he'd forgotten his Charms textbook on his bed, and after sending a cheeky comment to the nearly blushing pair of Gryffindors, earning a laugh from them all and a threat to hurl him in the Great Lake from Lily, he joined the studying threesome with the widest smile they'd seen from him in a while.

BOUQUET OF TRAGEDIES. ❜⠀⠀❪ regulus black. ❫  -DISCONT.Where stories live. Discover now