Boy Friend? - 8

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I plop onto the couch I had made and grabbed my sketch book. I flipped through the pages and as I did I saw progress. I landed on the one of Sally and went to finishing it. I sketched her friends behind her and other details. Niki sits next to me and looks over my shoulder.

"You're really good!" She says and I look up.

"Thanks, I've been drawing since I was a child." I say.

I put my book into my bag and stand up, "We should head back, last time I was gone for awhile there was a whole fiasco." I say.

She raises her eyebrows, "Do tell!" She laughs.

"Well, I was building this place without telling anyone and they got concerned and Tommy looked for me. I came back and he had been gone for awhile. We had a whole search party when I found him passed out in the woods. Then..." I trailed off.

"Then what?"  Niki asks intrigued.

"Then we kissed..." I admitted.

Niki stopped, "Wait...YOU AND TOMMY?!" She asks shaking me.

"Yes-" I say.

She stops shaking me, "Sorry-" She says.

We both burst out laughing.

"We should go now-" I say through laughing.

We calm down and start heading back to L'Manberg. 

We chat about random things. We talked about our favorite animals, best food, best color of a parrot, and random things. We entered L'Manberg laughing as she told me about when Tommy got pranked. The boys were staring at us laughing and me and Niki laughed harder.

"Are you women dying?-" Tommy asked.

I was bending over trying to catch my breath, "Yes childinit." I say.

Me and Niki burst out laughing even more and I start wheezing as Tommy looks mad. I see Tubbo smirking trying to not laugh.

"I can't  breathe-" I say through my laughs.

Niki and I calm down and sit on the logs, "Childinit-" I whisper to Niki.

"Pfft-" She says.

Everyone sits down at the campfire as I show Niki one of my drawings of the parrot I drew. I realized that was the parrot I was drawing when I first met everyone.  I smiled at it.

"What is it?" Niki asks.

"Nothing." I say as I look up and close the book.



I was near midnight and I decided I would sleep at my new home.

"I'm going to my home for the night." I informed Niki and she nodded.

I walked out of L'Manberg as I heard someone run up behind me. I held back the instinct to kick whoever it was and looked behind me.

"Tommy, I nearly kicked you." I say looking at him.

"Well you didn't." He says.

I roll my eyes, "What do you want Tommy?" I ask him.

"Well you walked off so I followed you." He says.

"Well keep up!" I say running off towards my home.

"Wha-" He starts.


I catch my breathe as I arrive at my home. I look to see Tommy trailing behind.

"Turtle much?" I laugh.

"Oh shut up!" He says turning red.

I walk inside and motion for him to come inside.

"So this is what you were making when I was looking for you...and then we- yeah." He says the last bit awkwardly.

"Yeah...are we going to talk about that..?" I ask.

We kissed once and just ignored it. And I didn't want to ignore it anymore.

"Do you want to talk about it?" He ask turning red again.

"Well we're going to have to at one point." I say. 

He nods, "Well..."

"Well Tommy, do you like me?" I ask straight up tired of the awkward silence.

"Well I thought the kiss made that clear-" He says.

"Good then, the feeling is mutual. But are we going to be in a relationship?" I ask.

He sits there thinking about it, "I want to." He says waiting for me to say the same.

"Well that settles it then, we are now dating." I say and I smirk at him.

I yawn, "I should head to bed now, you should too." I say standing up.

"Where do I sleep?" He asks.

That was a good question, "You can have the bed I'll sleep on the couch." I decide.

He opens his mouth but I interrupt, "I insist Tommy." I say and I get ready for bed.

He walks up to my bedroom and I lay down. I really liked Tommy and I was glad the feeling was mutual. I put my head on the pillow and closed my eyes. 

I was restless and couldn't sleep, so not thinking I went up went into my bedroom. The floorboards creaked as I tiptoed into the room. I saw him in my bed and I quietly and slowly climbed into bed and cuddled him. I closed my eyes and finally fell asleep.



Sorry if this was cringe- I have no experience in this because I am extremely single so yeah- hope you liked this chapter as it took me a few days of questioning  my life decisions and some personal things :)

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