Recovery (Filler) - 12

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I watched Tommy rest in the cot. He looked so peaceful but I couldn't help but remember him  getting hit by the arrow. Tommy had been selfless and gotten L'Manberg freedom. He had given away the discs that he loved most. I did what calmed me, drawing. I drew Tommy sleeping just to make the memory last forever. I smile and a tear falls from my eye. He was okay though he lost a lot of blood. It would be a fast recovery but he would have some pain where he got hit.

I finished the drawing and put my notebook away. I fall asleep due to the exhausting day.


Tommy's POV:

I open my eyes to see Y/n sleeping against the wall. She looked cute when she sleeps... woah Tommy, little creepy there. Though it was true. I try to sit up and feel pain in my chest. I groan and lay back down. Y/n looks up a smile slightly at me.

"Good morning..." She says groggily.

I looked out the window and saw that it was in fact morning. She stands up and offers her hand. I grab her hand and she helps me up.

 She hands me a healing potion, "Drink it, this should help with the pain." She says.

I drink up and hand the bottle back to her. She places it down and helps me walk out the van. We walk out the van and slowly walk to the campfire and sit down. My wound doesn't hurt as much as I sit down. She hands me cooked beef and I happily eat up. I haven't eaten for awhile so I was starving. I gobbled my food down and I heard Y/n giggling.

"What?" I ask with my mouth full.

"Nothing-" She giggled

I feeling my cheeks turning red I look away. I finish my mutton and look at the lake and had an idea...


Y/n's POV:

I get up and help Tommy up and helped him exit L'Manberg. We walked on the path and reached his home. I helped him inside and onto his bed in his bedroom. He sat down on his bed and I sat on the chair next to the jukebox. I had an idea and I got and went to his enderchest. I grabbed my old music disc. I put it in and swayed side to side in my chair to chirp and Tommy sat and listened, he was deciding if he liked the disc or not. He ended up giving in and copied me. We both swayed side to side until the disc ended. I laughed and he joined in. He stopped with an "ow". Which made me laugh harder.

I stopped laughing and struggle to catch my breath. Tommy grins at me and yawns.

"You should rest." I say.

"Yeah, yeah." He says laying down.

I yawn and get comfortable in the chair.

Tommy looks at me and rolls his eyes, "Just lay down with me idiot." He says.

I smile happy to my not have to sleep in the chair. I lay down next to him and cuddle. I close my eyes and relax.

I wake up and remember last nights events. I slowly get up and in response Tommy moves in his sleep. I put on my L'manberg coat as it was cold outside. I grab my bag and walk out Tommy's home. I walked past all the buildings as I saw the community home. I shivered as I remembered how I was kidnapped. I continued on and grabbed my bow and shot a few chickens. I was pretty good with a bow and I smirked to myself admiring my skill. I went into the community home and went into the chests. I didn't find anything but a attachable pouch. I took it planning to use it for later since my bag was a pain to drag along. 

I walk over to Tubbo's home and realized how much of a maze this place it is. I was still learning my way around so I got lost at times. I walked up to the door and knocked on his door. I heard hurried steps come towards the door and Tubbo greeted me.

"Hello Tubbo!" I say.

"Hey Y/n, what are you doing here?" He asks.

"I was wondering if you would like to go panda searching with me!" I say smiling.

"Sorry I can't at the moment." He says.

"It's alright! I'll ask someone else." I say and I wave goodbye and walk off.

I thought who else  I could ask and no one came to mind. Maybe I could go off on my own? No, I was way too paranoid to do that. I shrugged and headed back to Tommy's home. He was farming his carrots. I slowly ran up behind him, "Boo!" I yell.

"AH-" Tommy  yells.

I burst out laughing and Tommy pouts. I walk inside his home and sit down. I empty my bag and put my small weapons like knives in the pouch I found onto the side of my jeans. I put the rest that couldn't fit in my bag and put my bag down on the floor as Tommy and Wilbur came in. Wilbur looked at me questioning why I was here. I grabbed my bag and left,  I wondered why Wilbur was here. But as soon as I left I heard them conversating. 

I was alone, I hated being alone but also loved it. The silence, but also the loneliness. I  walked down the path in silence. I heard chickens and cows and other mobs as I walked. I walked down to L'Manberg. I walked in silence and looking down at my feet. I heard another set of footsteps and I tensed up. My hands balled into a fist ready to attack whoever it was. I slowly reach for my sword and turn around ready to attack. Only, there was no one there. I gulped and turned around. Just my brain playing tricks on me. I quickened my pace and arrived at L'Manberg.

Was it just my mind?




Hope you like the chapters but I'm getting a bit of writers block. ALSO, HOW THE HOLY MOLY DO WE HAVE 500+ READS- THANKS BUT LIKE HOW?! I LOVE YOU GUYS SO MUCH

You are loved and valid <3


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