White Flags - 10

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"I WANT TO SEE WHITE FLAGS, WHITE FLAGS OUTSIDE YOUR BASE BY TOMORROW, AT DAWN OR YOU ARE DEAD!" Dream's voice boomed through the jukebox as his disc message played.

I felt shivers down my spine. Surely we wouldn't surrender, they had all worked hard for L'Manberg to be what it is today and they weren't going to throw that away now. Everyone looked scared so I decided to step up.

"We aren't going to throw away L'Manberg just because  a green man with anger issues is threatening us." I say.

"Y/n is right, we aren't giving up now; we've gotten to far just to give up." Wilbur says.

Everyone seems more confident now and nods at Wilbur.

"Everyone is training today, push yourself harder today. Only short breaks. You all are dismissed." He says.

We all nod and head to the lake. I haven't trained with them and was excited to. I had been the best fighter in my village and maybe in L'Manberg. Though gotta stay humble. 

Eret take control, "We fight in pairs, Y/n with Tommy, Fundy with me,  Jack with Tubbo" He instructs.

We all grab leather armor and a wood sword. I smirk at Tommy put on my armor. I fidget with my sword adjusting to the weight. Tommy is still putting on his armor and I stare at the lake and spot Sally. I haven't seen Sally in awhile so it was nice to see her again.

"Done staring at fish?" Tommy asks impatiently.

"Yeah, yeah." I say and get ready.

He attempts to strike my chest but I block and hit him in the arm. I hear an "Ow" from him and smirk. He now tries to strike my leg and misses and instead hits my boots from me dodging a little too late. He quickly tries to swoop at my face and I lean back and dodge it. I sweep my leg at his feet and trip him. I can see I knocked the wind out of him. And nearly laugh.

I hover over him and reach my hand out to him. He looks frustrated and takes my hand. He stands up and tries to push me into the lake. I saw this early and switched positions and push him in. A big splash distracts everyone to see him in the lake. 

We all burst out laughing until I feel someone push me.

"Fuck m-" I say falling into the lake.

Unfortunate me can't swim as I see it was Eret who had pushed me. Everyone laughed harder too distracted to see that I was DROWNING. I flailed as I tried not to DIE. Even with my parents dead they managed to screw me over.

Tommy turned back to look at me and saw me drowning. He quickly swam over to me and tried to drag me to land. Everyone now notices this and stops laughing. And gathers around me. Eret looks concerned and apologetic. 

I cough up water, "Thanks for nearly letting me die." I say sarcastically

"Y/n I'm so sorry I didn't know you couldn't swim..." Eret apologizes.

I cough more water and lay my head on the grass. Tommy slightly lifts my back and puts his L'Manberg coat around me. I didn't realize that I had been shivering. It was windy and my clothes and armor were soaked. I smiled slightly at him to show my thanks. I had felt my eyes drooping and feeling heavier. I had been exhausted from training and the whole drowning bit. I yawned and Tommy saw that. I nodded at me signifying that I could pass out even though I would had done it anyways. I gave in to exhaustion and passed out.


A/N: It's currently 11:16 p.m. so I'm heading to bed shortly. Hope you liked this filler. The next bit is W A R so get ready for that. ALSO which do you prefer? Short chapters often or long chapters not so often. I'm fine with either I just want to know y'alls opinion because I want you guys to enjoy it!

Drink water and remember that you are loved and valid <3

L'Manberg - A Nation Worth Fighting For (Tommy x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now