Chapter 5: A Talk and a Kiss

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The next few days were filled with activities and fun. They played water games, like canoe races and swimming games. They played volleyball on the beach and had sandcastle building contests. Each day the kids got more and more comfortable around each other.

Nico noticed Keith and Lance becoming closer friends, always with each other and playing the games together. He smiled at that, realizing that he was the one who started that friendship.

Nico and Will hadn't talked since the incident. Meals together were full of short glances and blushing. Nico stuck with Percy when he could. Percy didn't bother him about it, but he sensed that something was up.

After about 5 days Percy spoke up.

"Dude, what happened with you and Will after the whole shopping thing?"

Nico had told him some of what happened when he had locked himself in his cabin, but he never got the full story.

"Well, we talked that night. Cleared things up. And uh," Nico paused remembering what had happened. "We almost kissed,"

Percy's mouth dropped open and he stared at Nico. Before he could say anything, Nico spoke again.

A few days ago a camper caught us with his arm around me and asked if I was Will's boyfriend. Since then we haven't talked much."

Percy closed his mouth and put a hand on Nico's shoulder. "Dude," he said. "You've gotta talk to him."

"I know."

"Seriously, Nico! Talk to the guy!" Percy laughed and started walking away. "If you don't, I will!"

Percy turned and walked towards Annabeth, leaving Nico to think about what he said.

I should talk to him... Nico thought, walking towards the dining hall. Will was there with some of the kids doing crafts. When Nico got there he leaned against the doorway watching.

His eyes scanned WIll. He was wearing tan cargo shorts and his yellow counselor shirt. His long hair was pulled out of his face in a small bun. He was laughing with the kids, making a beaded necklace. His smile was wide, his eyes bright. He spotted Nico and his smile grew even wider. He put down the beads he was working with and got up, telling the kids he would be right back.

"Hey!' He said, his smile not falling.

"Hey," Nico responded, his gaze dropping down. "Can we uh, go talk somewhere?" Nico asked.

Will looked at the kids and around the dining hall. He spotted Grover and asked him to keep an eye on the kids for a few minutes and then led Nico to the empty docks.

They sat together looking out on the water for a while.

"Nico, I-"


The boys spoke at the same time and laughed.

"You first," WIll said.

Nico took a deep breath and looked at the boy next to him. Will had a small smile on his face and was staring right back at Nico.

"Will," Nico began, not knowing what to say. "We've been avoiding each other, right? Because of what that kid said. Why?"

Will turned his gaze to the water below them. "Honestly, Nico, I don't know. It's stupid, isn't it? A kid made a joke and we took it way too seriously."

Nico let out a short laugh. Will turned his head back to meet Nico's eyes.

"I'm sorry," Nico said, barely a whisper.

"I'm sorry too," Will said, the same volume,

The boys were close together, their hands touching on the dock. Nico's eyes flitted down to Will's mouth and then quickly back to his eyes. WIll was looking down at Nico's lips as well. Nico moved in slightly, Will's eyes moved back to his.

Will closed the distance between them quickly, their lips met in the middle. Nico's eyes shut and he tilted his head to the left. Their lips fit together like pieces of a puzzle. Will's lips were soft and sweet, Nicos chapped and tasted of something will couldn't place, but it was nice.

When Will pulled away Nico let out a sigh, opening his eyes slowly. Will took the moment to really look at Nico.

His dark hair was messy, his cheeks dusted with freckles and flushed red. He was wearing the purple shirt and when he opened his eyes, the color reflected off of them, making his eyes look like a deep purple color.

Will reached out and placed his hand on Nico's cheek. Nico unconsciously moved into the touch, letting his eyes close again.

They sat there in comfortable silence for a while, holding hands and looking out on the water. When they spoke it was in hushed tones, keeping the docks peaceful.

"Will, what are we?" Nico whispered, picking his head up from its spot on Will's shoulder.

Will took a second and then turned to face Nico.

"Will you be my boyfriend, Nico?" Will asked with a small smile.

Nico met his eyes and smiled back. "Yes, of course."

Will's smile grew wider and he rushed forward to hug Nico.

Nico wrapped his arms around the taller boy and buried his face in the crook of his neck. After a few seconds, Will pulled back and kissed Nico again. First, quick and passionate. Then again, longer and soft. They took a few more minutes to themselves at the dock before getting up and going back to the dining hall, hand in hand.

Nico spotted Percy on their way back and smiled at him. Percy gave a thumbs up and winked at him.

Nico laughed and gave Will's hand a squeeze. Will turned his head and smiled at him.

That night at the campfire, Percy played the guitar. Nico cuddled up to Will with a blanket and rested his head on the taller boy's shoulder. Wills arm wrapped around Nico's waist and rubbed small circles into his side. They stayed there like that until they had to bring the campers to bed.

Overall, they'd both say it was a great day.

I haven't had my first kiss so this is all based on other fics I've read describing it T-T

Isn't that just fun :D

Anyway, please vote and comment if you'd like more, this will probably have 1/2 more chapters :))

Thanks for reading!!

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