[MS] • Unrequited Love •

44 0 13


[Partner] has been distant. Staying at work for longer hours, heading to the gym more, and have not been nearly as affectionate as before. You begin to think they might be cheating on you.
          Then, you realize how strange [friend] has been acting. They've been kind of awkward around you and have been avoiding you.
          You just found some pretty telling evidence that [Partner] is cheating on you with [friend]. Upset and needing advice, you call over [Crush]. However, [Crush] has been in love with you for years, and even though you both know that, its something that goes unsaid.  Even though you chose [Partner] over them, they've always been a good friend and supported you, so you ask them what they think of your evidence.

What do you do?

For this roleplay, you will also play my oc's crush. Crush and Partner should be different characters, so you need to tell me Crush, Friend, and Partner.

Also, for the part that says telling evidence, you get to make you own up. Like finding texts, or clothing that isn't yours, etc.

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