routine and information

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Alright so ill just say random things about my teammates and stuff like that because im bored and youtube is down right now

So last chapter I mentioned how I may have met one of my teammates but I didnt explain how I knew that so ill explain that right now as some of you may know I am manifesting my teammates and I decided to name one of them ciara then I went to school like a week after and I saw that one of the girls in my class was called ciara it could just be a coincidence though

Also im going to start doing a bunch of things to try and speed this up starting by taking my transformation item everywhere I go because I literally keep it in my room all day and also practicing my powers because I rarely do that and final thing ill do is to train a lot

Now time to make a routine because my current one is a mess

In the morning ill try to do some Loa methods and listen to my Playlist

During school ill listen to my Playlist and do my work so no one suspects anything

After school ill train

And at night ill just put my Playlist on and go to sleep ( this is the only thing that wont change in my routine )

And thats all for now

-sakura ♡

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