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Jimin showed Jungkook all of the things he has searched..

Jungkook's like..
"How's it possible?! "

"Now its not the time to ask what happened... Maybe there was something in the whiskey... Maybe something else. ... But right now you should go to Tae...And I'm sure Tae's not lying by seeing his face..Trust me!" - Jimin..

"But how?!"- Jungkook..

" Stop asking how...we can find out later what exactly happened! But I'm sure Tae's not lying...! Just go to Tae already...He needs you! I dont think you should wait more.! "- Jimin said as he come out of the room to give Jungkook some time...

The thing first come to Jungkook's mind was is Tae really not lying?!
Then how is it possible..?

But then again...he was suppose to Trust Tae right?..

Wait he promised Tae to trust him didnt he?

But he didnt trust Tae the moment when he needs him the most...

Oh shit...

Jungkook didnt wait a moment before going to Tae running...

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