♡︎knov catching up♡︎

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♡He asks you out:
-he's not of a big talker
-so he wrote a letter
-"Dear Y/N I have no idea what that feeling is but I kinda feel like asking you to be my partner.. Just meet me at my house if you're feeling the same"
-he was nervous
-of course you showed up
-you two ended up watching a movie

♡First kiss:
-you were at his house
-you guys watched your favorite movie
-when there suddenly was a kissing scene
-you looked up at your boyfriend
-and he looked down at you
-you closed your eyes and kissed him
-he kissed back ofc
-telling you that you're stupid afterwards

♡First date:
-you two went shopping
-yeah ik
-but it was pretty much fun
-you two laughed actually a lot
-even if he would tell you he didn't
-drinking milkshakes together
-he brings you home

-he doesn't hug you
-so you need to hug him
-always says it's stupid
-secretly likes it
-would like to hug you more often

-you need to make the first move
-he would never..
-doesn't likes it at first but enjoys it after a bit of time
-happens when you feel like it
-would never tell anyone about it

As a song from my playlist:

♡when you're sick:
-denies the fact he likes taking care of you
-makes you soup
-and tea
-likes it when you thank him
-says it's silly

♡When he's sick:
-"I can handle it by myself"
-No he can't
-you know that
-so you take care of him
-says he doesn't need it
-but actually very thankful

♡Where he likes to kiss you:
-your hand

♡Who has a crush on you:
-no one

♡What Anime he would watch with you:
-Akame ga kill

♡Stealing his hoodies:
-he don't own much
-but you stole them anyways
-asks you why you do it
-secretly thinks you're cute in them
-they are too big for you
-would never tell you he finds it actually very attractive

♡The pet he buys you:

♡When you play with his hair:-Actually enjoys it -gets comfortable and silent when you do it -helps him to fall asleep -you just smile at him-he actually has very soft hair

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♡When you play with his hair:
-Actually enjoys it
-gets comfortable and silent when you do it
-helps him to fall asleep
-you just smile at him
-he actually has very soft hair

♡Morning routine:
-you wake up before he does
-playing with his hair
-when you realize he's moving you immediately stop
-making breakfast together
-eating in the living room
-watching a movie

♡Taking a bath together:
-it doesn't happen
-I'm very sorry
-I just can't see him doing that

♡When reader chan has an allergic reaction:
-knows exactly what to do
-"Omg don't act like you're dying it will be better"
-it actually got better
-was secretly worried
-you know he was
-even if he says he wasn't

♡When you're cold:
-"don't act like you're dying it's awkward"
-still gives you his jacket
-tells you that you should bring your own next time
-hopes no one realizes it's his jacket

♡When it's reader chan's birthday:
-to him it was a normal day
-but there was this one thing
-you kept telling him for two weeks when your birthday is
-so for the first time he decided to celebrate it
-it was a day with only you two
-but it was beautiful
-you went out for a walk
-and watched movies
-in the evening you got your present
Your present:

♡When it's reader chan's birthday:-to him it was a normal day -but there was this one thing -you kept telling him for two weeks when your birthday is -so for the first time he decided to celebrate it -it was a day with only you two -but it was bea...

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♡When he propose:-had no idea what to do -he randomly walked up to you -and asked you-he just asked you -ofc you said yes -but you two went outside to watch the sunset-he even kissed you-"From now on I'm the happiest man in this world"

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♡When he propose:
-had no idea what to do
-he randomly walked up to you
-and asked you
-he just asked you
-ofc you said yes
-but you two went outside to watch the sunset
-he even kissed you
-"From now on I'm the happiest man in this world"

♡When he's jealous:
-he is rarely jealous
-but when he is
-holy Jesus Christ
-stares at the boy/girl
-they are soo scared
-you need to comfort them
-"No I wasn't jealous"

♡Finding out you're pregnant:
-you were ready to be single again
-you thought he would hate you
-when you saw him you nearly started crying
-"Yk it's not very clever to leave the test in the bathroom"
-you looked up at him
-he smiled a bit
-"Aren't you mad at me?"
-"Why should I? I love you and the baby"

♡Gender of the baby + looks and character
-it's a boy
-with light brown eyes and h/c hair
-he's a bit shy
-but very intelligent
-opens up when people he knows are around
-also he's very creative
-I think he would like to be a teacher

♡When a guy hits on you:
-he's very jealous
-tells him to let you alone
-if this doesn't work he just carries you ✨away✨
-says he wasn't jealous
-but you know he was

♡When he sees you cry:
-"Everything will be fine"
-gets soft
-like for the first time
-hugs you
-and gives you kisses
-when you feel fine again he says you're stupid
-you know he cares about you

-goes on distance
-like honestly
-only talks to you on facetime
-when your period is over ge comes back to you
-is actually worried
-but wouldn't show

♡Morning problems:
-he would just stare at you
-and walk away
-telling you it's disgusting
-doesn't talk to you for the rest of the day

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