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The moment I heard that voice, I knew...

I knew what was coming... But I refused to acknowledge it back then.



"Call off the backups. Don't even near the eastern coast."

"That voice..."

A beat passed and no one spoke. Not when the familiar voice at the other end of the unexpected call was so uncharacteristically grim and serious. And before either of the two boys could bring themselves to say something back, the call ended almost abruptly and the radio went static once more.

Shoto was the first one to break the uncomfortable silence that was only accompanied by the radio static. He turned to the pilot, an unwelcome urgency in his voice as he asked, "You said it came from the villain's base, right? Are you sure?"

"The frequency was on the mark. There's no mistaking it, boy."

Shoto gritted his teeth as he stared at the radio communication system before speaking up again, his tone almost felt demanding, "Contact... Contact back quick. And if we can get there any faster, please..."

The pilot nodded and went at it at once, calling back as he maintained the frequency to match the earlier one. A moment passed; nothing... Another one; nothing... Just nothing.

No one was picking up.

Izuku wasn't picking up.

"Dammit. Dammit. Dammit to hell..." The ash blonde mumbled, running a gloved hand throw his hair.

"How long?" Shoto asked, once again.

"Just a few more minutes."

"That's too long... That's still too fucking long. I'm going on my own!"

"You can't—!"

"Yes, I can. And I will."

"Just stop and think for a minute, will you, Katsuki?" Shoto said, "You can't — you shouldn't go there alone and especially not by using your quirk to cross the distance. It's dangerous, we have no information about what we would come across there. We don't know how many villains there are, what their quirks are. And if Izuku says that we shouldn't even near that place then that means the perimeter isn't safe to just... Arrive at. They could be expecting us to arrive any moment. If you go there like that, you would already be halfway to your limit. I think we should circle the perimeter before taking any action and the better way is by the helicopter, you know that."

"... And what if Deku's just being a selfless little shit again?"

"Well... That is a fact, not a 'what if'."

"I know there's something wrong with the perimeter, I'm not fucking stupid. And it's probably worse than rest of the targeted areas too. That and..."

That and Izuku was there alone.

It wasn't like the green head had never fought any villains on his own before. Heck, he had probably fought more villains alone than anyone in UA's hero course as a student. He was just always running into trouble, saving people and all that...

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