• Chapter Eleven •

Start from the beginning

The team of heroes fell silent as the helicopter began its descent.

The helicopter landed to the side of the London Eye, the heroes immediately disembarking as a whirlpool formed in the middled of the River Thames

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The helicopter landed to the side of the London Eye, the heroes immediately disembarking as a whirlpool formed in the middled of the River Thames.

The underwater crater rapidly increased in size as the water began cascading in on itself - almost appearing like a sink being drained of water.

At the edge of the river by the brick barrier, residents as well as tourists rushed over to marvel at the sight. They seemed to have found a fascination in it, thinking that it was maybe a display of some sort but it was far from it.

Civilians in the London Eye were gazing down at this phenomenon but some were beginning to grow worried as the crater continued to grow.

All of a sudden, a massive ripple had struck which sent a high wave of water out from every side of the crater. The waves struck the side of the barrier which formed large cracks alongside it as well as the ground.

Panic ensued as the ground shook, causing several civilians to loose their footing.

The London Eye faced a much worse reaction from the wave. The attrction creaked and wobbled as several of the cables that kept the wheel in place, snapped loose.

From inside the carts, people screamed in terror as the wheel began falling forward towards the River Thames with a loud rumble as a few more cables had snapped.

This caused everyone to fall to their knees as their bodies slid across the floor towards the water below, with the glass windows being their only protection of them falling right out.

Suddenly, they felt themselves as well as the wheel stop before they looked towards the ground where they saw the familiar heroine known as Aquamarine.

Kayla used her powers and glided a great amount of water from the river below her to form a protective barrier around the London Eye. She let out a grunt and pushed through to hold the heavy wheel in place.

The wheel began to creak as Ben stepped in to lift it up, the rocky man letting out a strained grunt as he tried to lift it off the ground as much as he possibly could. He managed to rest the abnormally heavy object on the back of his shoulders and awaited for Reed to do his bit.

Not even a split second later, Reed had weaved his elastic body throughout the wheel's metal bars and made sure that he had a good grip on it before he attached himself to the post.

Sue quickly helped the civilians on the lower carts out before she moved towards the rest on the higher carts, creating an invisible slide with her powers for them to get down safely.

Johnny watched on anxiously as his job was to weld the wheel once it was put back into place. He couldn't do much to help his teammates because if he were to touch one of them, the switching of their powers would be inevitable and would cost them this entire mission.

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