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Most bands decided to stay the night in Philly before driving to Jersey, but Frank missed his bed and wanted to take Gerard home so bad, he had rented a car and they drove all the way home.

'I'm not gonna lie,' Gerard said looking out the window. 'I kinda miss Jersey.'

'How long has it been since the last time you were here?' Frank asked.

'A couple years maybe. Just to visit my parents.'

'Are they coming to the show?'

'Definitely! I already called them to confirm.'

Frank smiled at him, eyes on the road, and stayed silent for a moment. Something was eating him away, but he didn't know how to say it. 'Would you –,' he started. 'Would you ever consider moving back to Jersey?'

Gerard smiled because he knew exactly what he was asking. 'It depends,' he said, locking his hand with Frank's.

They didn't say anything for the rest of the drive, and Gerard was already falling asleep in the passenger seat.

When they finally pulled up the driveway, they were outside a nice, big house in the suburbs. 'Wow! I like it,' Gerard said between yawns.

'Well, I need a house big enough for three kids and a crazy dog. It's not as big as yours, but –'

'That's what she said.'

Frank laughed at the immature joke just because he was too tired. He led him inside, and started to turn on the lights, with Gerard looking around, admiring everything. 'Make yourself home,' Frank said. 'I'm gonna go take a shower. You wanna join me?'

Gerard just smiled and thought about it for a second.


'Fine, just because of the non-showering part.'

'I knew you'd say that.'

They were too tired to do anything other than making out and jerking each other off, and Gerard almost fell but Frank caught him.

They kept making out all their way to the bed, and Gerard went down on him, taking his load, and fucked him until they both fell asleep.


Gerard woke up naked in an empty bed.

He looked around the room, seeing it for the first time in the daylight. Pictures of Frank's kids and dogs adorned the room, and there was an acoustic guitar by the corner. Just what he expected of Frank, and it was freaking adorable.

He was about to get up, when the man himself appeared on his door with a mug of coffee. 'Good morning, sunshine!' he said. He was wearing one of his cute sweaters, and his hair combed to the side. 'Sorry I had to leave you. I had to run some errands before leaving for the venue, and I made breakfast.' He sat next to him and leaned in for a kiss.

'You're trying to convince me to move back home?'

'Is it working?'


Frank giggled as Gerard cuddled closer. 'I left your bag on the chair by the corner.'

Gerard got up, and started going through his bag. 'Hey – I forgot underwear. By any chance –'

Frank threw an unopened bag of briefs at him. 'You're lucky I have tons of this from tour. You can keep the whole bag.'

'So nice of you.'

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