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Frank and his crew got up early in the morning to go buy coffee and donuts for everyone as a way to celebrate a great first show.

When they made it to the venue, everyone was excited, and Frank suddenly became the hero of the day. He and Tucker set up the display, and told everyone to get as many as they wanted. And then, he noticed him.


In the back of the room, by the main entrance, helping with the merch table. 'I'll be right back,' he told Tucker, and took one of the coffees and two donuts. He still hadn't figured out what it was. Maybe it was just admiration. After all, Gerard was the savior of the broken, the beaten and the damned. And he was from his hometown. But also, Frank couldn't stop thinking about his cute smile and the way his mouth crooked when he talked.

Whatever it was, he just wanted to say hi.

'Hey, there!' Frank said, approaching the other man, who instantly looked up and smiled at him. Frank handed him the coffee. 'Here. It's vanilla latte. There's some sweetener over there in case you need some.'

'What? You brought me coffee?' Frank was blushing. 'Thanks, man!'

'Oh, and donuts!'

They had spent a good hour or two talking the night before. Nothing in particular, just how Gerard was adjusting to life on tour again, and how both their albums were coming out on the same week. And Frank asked if he missed New Jersey. But by the end of the night, it seemed like they were good friends.

'That's so nice of you,' Gerard said, and there was a long silence while Frank tried to pretend he wasn't nervous.

'So you're doing merch too?' Frank didn't know what to say.

'Just helping them set up. I don't have a merch person, so just putting up some shirts and stuff.'

Frank looked at them, impressed by the designs. 'They're really cool. I might contact your artist for my own merch.'

'Well, I designed them.'

'Oh yeah! You're an artist! Well, they're fucking awesome.'

'Thanks.' Gerard was blushing now, while Billy the merch kid looked at them, knowing exactly what was happening but chose not to say a word.

'You know what?' Frank asked. 'I'm getting one, and wearing it tonight.' He chose one with a big spider on it, and even though Gerard insisted it was a gift, Frank paid him twenty bucks.


Frank didn't want to hurry things up and ruin everything. He had just met him the day before, for fuck's sake. But the feeling inside was too familiar, and he was no stranger to love at first sight. He knew it could happen.

But for now, he'd just take a step back, and go with the flow. 'I'll see you later, then,' he said, and went back to the bus.


Frank had an interview or two, before soundcheck and then, a couple hours to get something to eat. He saw that there was a veggie restaurant a couple blocks away, so he and Adam and Tucker headed out. And obviously, when he saw Gerard smoking by himself, he invited him too.

They all talked about random stuff, and Frank didn't want to be too obvious, so he talked to Tucker, and texted some friends. But he couldn't help hearing Gerard's conversation with Adam. They clearly knew each other for a long time, and Adam was asking him about this Victor dude. Gerard said something about things ending badly, and Mikey having to intervene. So he's into dudes, too, Frank thought, and had to fight the urge to smile.

As they headed back to the venue, Gerard stayed a little behind so he could talk to Frank. 'Thanks for inviting me,' he said.

'Well, it was on Adam, so –'

'Yeah, but you asked me.' The other two were already inside, so Gerard offered Frank a cigarette, and they talked more. Fans were starting to gather outside the fence, barely feet away from where they were sitting, and a couple of them noticed them there and called their names, so they just waved at them. 'I kinda forgot about all of it,' Gerard said.


'Life on the road, fans. Their expectations. People wanting a picture with you.'

'Yeah, it's not easy.'

'And I don't look like I used to. I've already seen a few people on twitter –'

Frank didn't let him finish. 'Don't read that shit. It's bullshit. And maybe I'm out of line, but you look fine as hell. So –' What did he just say? When he realized the words coming out of his mouth, it was already too late, and he tried to hide his face but it was hard not to see how red he turned.

Gerard just laughed, because it was easier than ignoring his brain telling him to kiss him. Though he wanted to, so bad, he knew he couldn't with so many people watching them. And he could swear Frank was giving him that look for a brief second, when his drummer came out to tell him they had to get ready for their set. Thank God, Gerard thought.

They both hurried up inside, and just before going in the green room, when nobody was watching, Frank stopped him, and pulling his shirt, he planted a quick kiss on his lips.

Just to make sure.

And by the smile on Gerard's face, he knew it wasn't just him.

And the butterflies in his stomach were back. Or maybe it was just the usual stomachaches he got every night before playing a show. But he was sure he liked Gerard.

When he and his band took the stage, Frank stood by the side, watching their set. His songs were so upbeat, and his stage persona was much more outgoing, which he loved.

Yeah he was definitely falling for Gerard Way.

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