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He kissed Gerard Way.

Frank never thought he'd fall for him, or anyone while on tour. Yeah, he had had hookups while on tour. Many times. But that's what they were. Hookups.

He had never got lost in someone else's eyes while they talked, wishing he could kiss them, and spend all night talking to them, hearing them laugh.

And lying in his bunk, that was all Frank wanted.

He wanted to talk to him, and kiss him again, this time linger for a little longer.

He still could feel Gerard in his lips, the warmth he felt every time he was around. It felt good. He felt good.

Frank was sure he'd never fall in love again. Once things ended with Jamia, he took it really hard, and he didn't even make music for a while and thought about quitting. He had a few one-night stands but nothing meaningful.

And he honestly thought that was going to be the case for him.

Though after a while he didn't mind anymore. He was happy with his kids, and he'd rather spend more time with them than look for a relationship. Things were finally great, he had find that balance, he started making music again, he had the best children in the world.

And now Gerard Fucking Way had him feeling like a teenager, his whole world turned upside down because of one kiss.

When they made it to Denver the next morning, all Frank wanted was to look for Gerard. He didn't see him after the show was over, and for a moment he thought he regretted the kiss.

When he hopped off the bus, he saw Gerard talking to his musicians, so he stopped himself from going up to him and kissing him in front of them. Instead, he just waved at him, and kept walking. Gerard waved back, with a smile, and Frank wanted to believe he was just exaggerating.

He walked in the venue, looking for a restroom, when someone almost ran past him. It wasn't until said person was pulling him inside the nearest room – some sort of janitor's closet – that he realized it was Gerard. And when he opened his mouth to say something – he didn't know what, he just wanted to know if that kiss had even been real –, Gerard pushed him to the wall, his lips pressed against his, opening them to let Frank in.

It was hot and Frank suddenly forgot how to breath.

He ran his fingers through Gerard's hair and face, pulling him closer, hungry for more.

'Please tell me this is real and I'm not imagining this,' Gerard said once they pulled apart. He kept his eyes closed, just in case it was a dream.

'I'm not sure,' Frank answered and kissed him again. 'It feels like a dream to me.'

'Let's not talk then.' Gerard just kept kissing him, with more hair pulling and lip biting. Though Frank couldn't stop smiling while Gerard bit his neck.

'Should we continue this later tonight?' Frank asked before walking out the door.

'I don't see why not.' He was careful not to walk too close to Frank, and they went on their separate ways. At some point during the afternoon, they hung out and had a cigarette, though Adam was there, as well as Gerard's band, so they had to keep appearances to just laugh, and maybe share glances. But as soon as the show was over, they snuck out to the back of Gerard's bus, while his band was somewhere smoking, and made out in the couch.

It quickly went from sloppy kisses and grinding against each other to Gerard slipping in his hands under Frank's shirt and biting his collarbone. When Gerard started undoing his pants and sliding down, Frank stopped him. 'Let's take it slow, okay?' he asked. 'I like this.'

'Yeah,' Gerard replied, barely able to talk. 'Me too.' And they kept making out.


They kept kissing in secret and sneaking out to make out for the next couple days, though they hadn't really talked about what they were doing.

After their Portland show, they ran to the restroom, but this time Frank didn't stop Gerard as he pulled down his pants and took his length, nor when he got on his knees and took him in his mouth. It felt so fucking good, and he needed it. The way Gerard's tongue licked the underside of his cock sent shivers through his spine.

He knew what he was doing.

Frank felt like losing his shit every time he sucked the tip.

'I'm –,' he tried to say, but then he was coming down his throat, and Gerard swallowing it.

They stayed like that for a moment, recovering their breath, taking it all in. Frank didn't want to open his eyes yet. He helped Gerard up by pulling his shirt, and kissed the heck out of him, still tasting himself in him. 'You have no idea –,' he started saying before Gerard kissed him again.

Once they put themselves back together, they went out to the alley for a smoke.

They didn't say anything for a while, afraid of being caught, and Frank got the feeling Gerard was more interested in doing than talking. Yet, he turned to him, and took a drag from his cigarette. 'I know we've known each other for less than a week,' he said, and stopped him before he tried to kiss him again. 'But I really like you.' He looked around to make sure there weren't any fans around, and then kissed him on the cheek. 'Good night.'

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