For the things we have to Learn, We learn by doing them - Aristotle

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*Secret Base : 10 Years Before High School : Karma's POV*

Its been a month since i left my house and stayed with Mr Takaoka. Eversince that day, Mr Takaoka's been taking care of like i was his own child. He'd teach me everything i needed to learn like math and stuff. He's also been teaching me Jet kune do and Kendo. He's also teaching me how to use a gun. He's teaching me all of this cause he thinks i'm worthy to become his successor as an Assasin. Today, He said he wants to test how far i've gotten in the past months. Thats why he's decided to battle me in both Kendo and Jet Kune Do.

 I kept trying to get hits on him but he was just too fast. I tried every technique he taught me but it was all pointless. When i went for the last punch, He suddenly grabbed my right arm and threw me to the ground.

"You've improved alot Kid."Mr Takaoka told me with a proud smile as he put me on a submission lock."Guess all that trainings paid off."

"I guess!"I yelled as i felt the pain of his submission."But mind getting off me?!"

"Kid, You need to learn how to get out of these as well."Mr Takaoka told me with a smirk."Now, What are you gonna do in this situation?"

I tried to think of what i need to do to get out of the hold. I figured my best option was to reverse the submission hold by turning my entire body around. So i did turn around and was able to get a hold of his arm and locked him in a submission. This time, It was his turn to feel the pain.

"I did it!"I yelled pulling his arm as hard as i can."I got you, Mr Takaoka!"

Mr Takaoka gave me a proud smile. Mr Takaoka then tapped out of the submission lock indicating that i've won the fight."Okay kid, You can let go now!"Mr Takaoka yelled feeling the pain of my submission lock. I quickly got off of him and layed down on the ground beside him exhausted.

"Looks like you're ready for the next step."Mr Takaoka said panting of exhaustion."The next step?"I asked looking at him with a confused look."Its time for you to finally be officially become an Assasin."

After a short break, Mr Takaoka brought me over towards his lair. He then took out a piece of paper, A small knife and a pencil out of his desk."To officially be an Assasin, You must sign this contract which contains the rules inside of the Assasin World."

Mr Takaoka gave me the contract and i read the entire thing. It contained rules and an Oath for me to follow.

'The Assasin Rule :

1. Assasins arent allowed to tell anyone, Not even their family or friends about their identities.

2. Assasins arent allowed to harm random civillians unless they commit a crime such as Burglary, Corruption, Thug Acts, Rape and anything else that breaks the laws of the country.

3. Assasins must stay silent no matter what. Which means Assasins arent allowed to use explosives such as Frag Grenades, C4's and all things similar. However, Assasins are allowed to use Smoke Grenades in the means for a sneak attack or an escape attempt.

4. Assasins are prohibited to kill other Assasins unless that Assasin has broken any of these rules.

5. Assasins are prohibited to attack our fellow associates such as the Hackers Orginization or The Cleanup Crew.

6. Assasins are prohibited to kill inside of Holy Grounds such as The Velvet Room where Assasins get assigned to their missions.

7. Assasins must use currency known as Souls. One Soul is equal to One Hundred Thousand Yen.

8. None of the rules above are to be broken. If broken, The punishment will be given by The Leaders of the Assasins Council. Also known as The White Room.

Classroom of the Elite (Karma's Story)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon