Its not Hard to make Decisions when you know what Your values are - Roy Disney

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*Class-D : A Day After The Last Chapter : 3rd POV*

Karma was sitting on my desk as usual paying attention to class. Karma was also writing notes for what he think will be useful for the upcoming exams. Suzune was looking at Karma quite suspiciously.'What does she want this time?'Karma thought to himself as he kept on writing notes. After a few hours, class finally ended and it was time for lunch. Karma got off of my seat and walked out of the door quickly making everyone suspicious of him.

"Whats up with him?"Hirata asked one of our classmates with a confused look."Beats me, hes never said anything to me."Kei said with a confused look as well."Horikita, do you know whats going on with him?"She asked her with a curious look."What makes you think i would know his strange behaviour?"Suzune asked Kei back with a glare."Both of you seem close so i thought maybe you'd know something."Kei answered with a confused look."To be completely honest, hes been acting like this since this morning before class."Suzune told her with a sigh."Its as if hes on a lookout for someone."

"A lookout?"Hirata asked with a confused look."From who?"He asked as he rubbed his chin."I dont know, but those are just my suspicions."Suzune said as she walked out of the classroom."I think you'll find out more if you talk to him."Suzune said as she stopped infront of the door."You are quite close to him afterall, Hirata."She said as she walked out of class and closed the door.

*Main Campus Hallway : Karma's POV*

I was waiting for her at a corner when she finally shows up not noticing me."What the hell do you want with me?"I asked her with a glare."You knew i was looking?"She asked me with a glare."How could i not? It was pretty obvious that you were staring at me."I told her with a sigh."Well then, let me get straight to the point."She said as she turned her whole body towards me."Is something troubling you?"She asked me with a glare."Why the hell would you think that? And why the hell would you care if i said yes?"I asked her with a glare."First of all, you've been acting strange from the first time you came out of your dorm."She told me as she placed her hands on her waist."Second of all, you seemed very uneasy in class."She said as she glared at me alot more."You usually dont write notes, yet this time, you wasted some of your energy just to do that.."She said as she looked at me suspiciously.

"Could be that i'm finally motivated to do shit in this school."I told her with a straight look as i took out my book."And i'm flattered that you actually took notice of me in class."I told her with a closed eye sigh."Theres also one thing that i must take into account however."She told me with a glare."This is the only time i've ever seen you not reading a book."She said as she looked at my chest trying to spot my pouch."I finished my book yesterday, i'm off to get a new one."I told her with a straight look."Now that you've fully answered my first question, time to answer my second question."I told her as i rubbed my chin."Why the hell would you care?"I asked her with a straight look."I dont but those two seem to care about you."She said as she pointed at Kei and Hirata hiding behind her.

"H-Hey, Karma."Hirata said with a soft smile and a wave."Are you feeling alright?"He asked me with a smile."I'm doing alright, thank you very much."I told them with a sigh."Dont lie to me Karma."Kei said with a pouty face."You're definitely not feeling well."She told me as she pointed right at my face."You're either going to tell me whats up with you or i'm gonna ask Hakka."She said with a pouty look."Not even Hakka knows whats going on with me, so i rather not tell ya'll whats up."I told them as i walked off towards the cafeteria."Does anyone know?"Hirata asked me with a curious look."Well, theres Chabashira-sensei and Sakayanagi."I told them as i kept on walking."But i doubt you'll get anything from them."I told them as i kept on walking."Now will you excuse me, i'm off to get some grub."

'I cant tell them......not even Hakka...'I thought to myself as i looked at the floor.'Right now, i only have one question in mind.....Hakka....are you on my side? or are you on Akihiko's?'

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