Weight of the World (AruXAiden)

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(A/N:- Um, uh, sorry for not updating in, ah, sometime, and the fault is mine, not LSS's. The story is hers)

Aiden's POV

Aru. Crazy, beautiful, wonderful Aru. I love you so much, every side and aspect of you.

I love all your quirks, flaws and insecurities. The cute way you wrinkle your nose when your disgusted or confused, how you never think for yourself, how you always put others first, even if your life's on the line, even if there's ought to be consequences.

I love you so much it hurts. I know that deep, deep down you're afraid of ending up like your dad, know how you think of yourself to be ugly, hideous even. I know how your afraid of failing us. I see the pain in your eyes, masked with a smile, the sadness in your soul, concealed with your laughter, the loneliness in your heart, buried deep down where you think no one will find it.

It's an act, and I can see right through it.

You don't need to worry, because you're good, and kind, and beautiful. You'll never let us down. You don't need to hide, because the pain you feel can be shared, can go away, can disappear, because only then will we all truly understand the miracle of Aru Shah.

You don't have to carry the weight of the world on your shoulders, because it's impossible to do it all, to carry such a burden alone, to act like it weighs nothing. The world is not your backpack. Why? Because you are not alone Arundhati, not now, not ever. Let us help you, let us understand. All you have to do is let us in.

You have a heart of gold Shah, so share it with the world.

Keep living, keep dreaming, keep being you.

Because you're enough.

Just open your eyes.


And then Aiden Acharya tore apart the piece of paper from his diary. As he folded it neatly, and kept it hidden away in the back of his jacket, he promised. He promised to himself that one day, he would tell all of this to Aru. He indeed could see right through Aru. He could see her pain, her sorrow, her guilt building up and up and up. And he would comfort her. He had to. Not because he had this super massive crush on her, but because it was also his duty as a friend. 

But it was easy to think, hard to create and very difficult to potray. That was what his mother told him. All he needed was the courage.

But, like so many precious things in his life, courage could not be bought. Unfortunately. Oh well.

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