Mistletoe (AruXAiden)

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(A/N:- Eheheheh, uh, this was supposed to be a Christmas oneshot but because I am dam lazy, I uh, am postin' it today. Uh, um, sorry? Btw, fault's mine not LSS's. Story's hers)

Aru's POV

There was mistletoe in lobby, and Aru was determined not to get caught.

So far it had gotten Mini and Rudy (No surprise, they were practically attached to the hip), and Brynne and Hira (You should have seen Brynne's face, she was blushing like crazy). That left her and Aiden. And that was never gonna happen. Ever.

. . .

One cold afternoon as Aru was headed out, she bumped into Aiden and he fell to the ground.

"Sorr—-oh, hi Aiden!" she said cheerfully. She had finally gotten her mother to take it all down, she was safe.

"Hey," He said.

She gave him arm to pull him up, when he started blushing furiously, staring at the spot above their heads. Oh no.

She slowly looked up and her eyes widened in horror.

Her mom had missed one. And it was right above her Aiden.

"You-you don't have to, it's just a-a plant-it w-won't tell me what to-" she never finished because Aiden pulled her down the the floor and kissed her. She was shocked at first, but slowly melted into the kiss. His lips were warm and soft, and they tasted like peppermint.

When he pulled back she was at loss for words.

Aiden looked like a kid on Christmas morning.

"You have no idea how long I've wanted to do that," he said breathlessly.

She unfroze and started blushing furiously, then she yanked him closer and kissed him again.

Me too.

They could have been there for seconds, or hours. Aru didn't know, and frankly she didn't care.

After a while she pulled away before her mother caught them kissing in the lobby. Thankfully it was empty except for them.

"Wow," he said breathlessly

Aru laughed and nuzzled him lovingly.

"Wow," she agreed.

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