A Christmas Eve (AruXAiden)

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(A/N:- Written by LSS. Dedicated to her as well)

Aru's POV

Aru Shah was bored out of her mind. It was Christmas Eve and her friends weren't due to come to the museum for another hour. Her mother had made her put on a dress. A dress! She groaned and resisted the urge to itch while Vajra bounced around her room in ping pong ball form, annoying her to no end. "If you don't stop now," she warned lightning bolt, "I will stuff you in my dirty clothes hamper." At that Vajra immediately shut up.

Thank you, she thought, glad for a moment of peace. In her opinion, an hour was a long time to wait, but at the same time, an hour wasn't long enough to, say, watch all of the Lord of the Rings movies. She suddenly heard the doorbell ring. Had it been an hour already? She checked her watch and hurried down the stairs. When she opened the door, there stood Aiden Acharya.

"Hey Shah," he said as he instinctively fiddled with his camera. He was wearing a red hoodie and a pair of skinny jeans, which was, as fancy as he would get. Aru looked at him, feeling heat rise to her cheeks as she immediately felt overdressed.

"You look," he started to say as Aru braced herself. 

"Good," he said quietly, looking her in the eyes. 

Aru imagined her face a matching color to his hoodie now. "I-thanks," she mumbled. 

They stood at the threshold for a while before Aiden broke the silence, "Well, am I allowed in or not?" he asked. 

"Uh, yeah, come in Wifey," she said, taking his arm and leading him inside. "You're early."

Aiden's POV

A snack raid, 3 bathroom breaks, and a half hour of helping Doctor K.P Shah set up for her Christmas party later... Aru crashed on her bed exhausted. Aiden, who was lying on the ground panting, groaned and said, "I regret coming here early."

The two had spent a half hour moving heavy tables and chairs around for Aru's mom. She shot him a playful glare. "Shut up."

He laughed and crawled across the floor spider man style- or as Aru liked to call it, Aru Shah style— across the floor all the way to the side of her bed. "Pull me up?" She grinned and aggressively grabbed his arms to pull him up. It hurt him, but he was too tired to complain much. Soon he was lying next to her on her bed.

He laughed and turned to face her, flustered at how close they were to each other. 

"Ow," he said. 

She smirked, "You never said gently," he groaned and pretended to stretch. 

"Woo, doing absolutely nothing really works up a sweat!" He grabbed her arm and wiped his sweat off on her. 

"GROSS ACHARYA!" She yelled as she yanked her hand away and glared at him. 

"Snob," she said, sticking out her tongue. 

"Troll," he said, his eyes never leaving her face. She flushed. 

"Something on my face Wifey?" She asked. He blushed. 

"No! You just, um... look, um.. really pretty," he murmured. His face tomato red.

"You're a potato, not a tomato," she said, slapping his arm playfully, but in truth, her heart was beating fast. 

They stared into each other's eyes. He leaned closer, praying she wouldn't hit him, but she didn't object. They were inches apart... now centimeters... millimeters...one.

The door rang and Aru silently groaned, so close! 

She got up, "It's the others, we should go answer it," 

Aiden was glad for the distraction. "Um, yeah," he said, as Aru offered him a hand to get up. He took it. "Let's, go."

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